Russian Festival 2024 Volunteer Sign Up

Please fill out the form below. We will then get back to you right away to discus details. Thanks for your willingness to help - this will be lots of fun!

Questions? or 734-475-4590
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Please provide your email address in the text box below. If you don't do this we can't contact you! :) *
Please check EVERY box that corresponds to the duty you are interested in volunteering for. Positions are limited, so we will contact you to work out details. DO NOT WORRY - you WILL get to volunteer. :) We will do our best to align your desire to work in a specific venue with the needs there. But if there are 10 people working parking, and 3 people in the Izba, we will ask you to help in the Izba. Or whatever. We appreciate your flexibility! SPECIFY HOURS YOU ARE AVAILABLE IN THE NEXT QUESTION/ANSWER.
Above you chose what days you can volunteer. Here please specify what hours you will volunteer for the days you specified. *
Please include phone number - cell is best. We require this because sometimes we need to get you at the last minute and email just won't do. *
Comments, details, anything else we need to know or questions you have.
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