Lemonade Day - Bank Loan Day

Bank Loan Day is an event for kids who want to be involved in Lemonade Day and get a loan from Chances & Services for Youth. The funds were donated by The Hometown Savings Bank. Loan Day teaches children how to take out a small business loan for their lemonade stands.

Participating children will need to complete a business plan for their Lemonade stand prior to Bank Loan Day. On June 5th The Hometown Savings Bank employees are volunteering to teach children about bank loans, give a tour of the bank and walk the children through their loan application. Loan forms will be provided at the event and the process of applying for a loan will be explained by a loan officer. On Loan Day children will share their business plan with Lemonade Day Staff & The Hometown Savings Bank employee volunteers.

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Parent/Guardian Name *
Parent/Guardian Phone Number *
Parent/Guardian Email Address *
Child/Children Name(s) *
Child/Children Age(s) *
Are they signed up for Wabash Valley Lemonade Day?
**Reminder - you MUST be registered for Lemonade Day to attend this event
Will you work with your child to practice their business pitch before Bank Loan Day? *
Do we have permission to take photos including your child for social media purposes? *
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