Rhetmap Job Advertisement Submission Form
Please fill out the form here to be listed on rhetmap. Please allow a few days to pass before e-mailing me about any problems. Note: rhetmap.org does not host the actual advertisement. You will need to provide an external URL for Interfolio and your university’s advertisement.
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Please choose any of the below, and please donate in the name of rhetmap. If you wish, please e-mail me and let me know about your donation. If there are any funds that you think should be up here, please do let me know: ridolfo at gmail dot com.  All donation URLs for fund are located at http://rhetmap.org/list  *
Rhetmap asks that all institutions submitting job advertisements agree to the recommendations made by the MLA Committee on Academic Freedom and Professional Rights and Responsibilities “Guidelines for Search Committees and Job Seekers on Entry-Level Faculty Recruitment and Hiring” here: http://www.mla.org/jil_jobseekers_caf  *
Please check yes to agree to these terms.
1) Please provide the full name of your institution *
Example: University of Kentucky
2) Please provide full title(s) for your advertised position(s) *
Example: Assistant Professor of Composition
3) Please provide a city and state
Example: Lexington, Kentucky
4) Please provide a country
Example: United States of America
5) Please provide a zip code
Example: 40506
6) Please provide a permanent URL for your job advertisement
7) Please indicate again which fund you will donate and the amount. *
8) In the event there's a question about your listing, please provide contact information (e-mail and name).
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