Urban Leaders GO-Interest Form

MCMI will implement Urban Leaders as an intermediary grant focused on serving youth from 15 to 18 years old who are affected by community violence and poverty. 


Urban Leaders will be implemented through our local agency offices in: 

·      Atlanta GA

·      San Diego CA

·      Richmond VA, and 

·      Weldon NC

Urban Leaders will provide continued education, occupational training and jobs to prepare these young people for workplace success. Services will be organized to provide leadership development, mentoring and conflict-resolution skills.  MCMI will be able to support administrative management and equitable access to build foundational skills and job opportunities for young people in underserved communities.

If you are interested in the program, please complete the following details and we'll contact you to schedule an orientation and overview of the program.

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Applicant Name *
Where do you live? *
Parent/Guardian Name *
Address *
City, State *
Zip Code *
Phone Number *
Email Address *
Child's (Applicant) Date of Birth *
Applicant's Age *
Has the child previously been expelled from school?   *
Has the child previously been involved in the justice system?
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