Student Advisory Council Application
Being apart of the SAC is a rewarding leadership experience. The SAC is the voice of the student body to faculty, the party planners for SoM events, the runners of Concerts and Noon, and the go-to for linking music students to their many opportunities at BYU. When on the council, you actively shape the culture and community that exists in the school of music.

We have limited openings, but everyone is welcome to apply. Applicants will be picked based on need, qualification, and available positions. 

This year’s theme is Belonging. We hope to explore how to make the school of music a safe haven for every student who attends. We are excited for the opportunities that lie ahead.
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Name *
Email *
Class standing for 2023-2024 *
Major *
Which areas interest you? *
Are you willing to commit 1-2 hours a week to the SAC?
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Why are you interested in joining SAC?
What do you hope to accomplish while in the SAC? What do you feel you bring to the table? 
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