Private Course Request

The purpose of this form is for scheduling a custom and/or private course that is not available on the pre-made course website. Please note that submitting a request does not guarantee availability of instructors or centre space - someone from our team will reach out to you to organize the session. Please give at least 1 month's notice prior to the requested date.

If you have any questions, please email our team at

Thank you!
- VGH Sim Team
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Please provide the contact information for the primary course organizer. (Include name, email and phone number) *
Select a course type. (Please note that BLS Renewals cannot be taken without the corresponding ACLS course) *
What is your preferred date? *
What is your preferred start time? (Please note BLS courses are 4 hours and ACLS are 8 hours. The centre's regular business hours are 08:00-16:00. Courses outside of these hours are dependent on staff availability and subject to an afterhours charge. Typical course start times are 08:00 (ACLS & BLS) and 12:00 (BLS).) *
How many learners would you like to include? (Please note that the learner to instructor ratio cannot exceed 6:1, with a maximum of 12 and a minimum of 4 learners required to run a course) *
Is this course for a specific group (e.g., cardiologists)? *
If 'Yes' above, what is the specific group? (Please mark 'N/A' if 'No' above) *
Is there anything else our team should know while organizing your course? *
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