Thank you for taking the time to participate in our survey!   None of this information will be used against you…this is strictly for our research and analysis purposes. We ask that you be as honest as possible so we can get an accurate snapshot of the hair care industry.

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At which event did you learn about the NHBC?
Which City/State do you live in? *
Gender *
Occupation *
Years of Experience
Licensing Credentials (Choose all that apply)
Are you a licensed cosmetologist trained to specialize in natural hair care?
If yes, how long?
How long have you had your NYS Natural Hair Styling license?
Were you aware that NY State had a Natural Hairstyling & Braid License in effect since 1994?
What is your average yearly salary/income?
In which areas of hair do you specialize in?
Please check all that apply

Are you a trained educator?

1. Choose the option that best describes you *
How often do you offer client consultations?
How often do you refer clients to see a dermatologist?
2. Have you been trained or certified in detecting hair loss and/or scalp disorders? *
3. How experienced are you in recognizing hair loss and/or scalp disorders? *
4. Do you have working relationships with dermatologists that specialize in hair loss?
5. Where do your clients usually provide positive or negative feedback regarding their hair care services?

6. Do you educate your clients about the following as it relates to their hair care?

Texture Type: Afro Coils, Coils, Curls, Waves
Porosity & Elasticity
Hair & Scalp Analysis
At home care and maintenance
Regimen building
How to Use Products
Overall Health and Wellness
7. How often do you participate in continuing education?
8. Please list any training/certifications you received within the last 6-12 mos. *
9. Would you be in favor of building natural hair care & braiding schools throughout NYC and NY State? 
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10. If you are interested in receiving more information about the Coalition, please leave your email address below
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