2023 American Randonneur Award Nomination

Once a year, the Randonneurs USA (RUSA) Board of Directors and the Awards Committee present an award to a member of the organization who has made a significant and outstanding contribution to randonneuring in the United States.

This person is recognized for having gone above and beyond the call of duty to help our niche of cycling grow. It can be a Regional Brevet Administrator (RBA) who has dramatically increased brevet participation, a hard-working RUSA volunteer, or someone who has helped randonneuring flourish by a selfless act, good sportmanship, camaraderie, or by being a good samaritan.

We wish to recognize this special volunteer and inspire others to do the same. This is a most prestigious award, a high honor of American Randonneuring. It is the only award we have that names a single winner; all other awards can be earned each season by any number of our members who qualify successfully.

This person must be a RUSA member. (Check the RUSA website Members Search to see if the person that you have in mind is a current member and note their membership number).

The American Randonneur Award is given by the Board of Directors. The nominees' names come from the general membership. The Board then votes on the award winner. Please note that the Board has decided to exempt itself from any active nominations for this award in order to avoid possible conflicts of interest that could then affect other Board matters. If an American Randonneur Award nomination comes in for someone who is on the Board during the nomination period or when the vote is taken, it is held over until the year after that person leaves the Board and then placed among the next batch of nominees.

You may also nominate a member by email as well. To make a nomination by email, send your name and your RUSA membership number with your nominee's name, RUSA membership number and explanation of the nomination to: Johnny Bertrand. (amrandaward@rusa.org)

Please submit your nomination by December 15 with a short explanation of why your nominee is deserving of the award.  

NOTE:  If there is no supporting explanation to the nomination, your nomination will not be accepted.  

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American Randonneur Award 2023 Nomination
Your Name and RUSA Member Number *
Nominee and the RUSA Member Number or the nominee *
REQUIRED:  Supporting information for the nomination. If none supplied your nomination will be discarded.  *
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