Disability Champions Program Registration
Join the Disability Champions Mentorship Network and work with a mentor. Connect one to one and through virtual engagement sessions, receive preparation for advocacy and leadership and become a part of a community network.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Name *
Date of birth *
Address (include Zip Code) *
School *
Grade in School *
Race and Ethnicity
Disability: Use other and describe in your own words or see descriptions of a variety of categories of disability here: https://www.dodea.edu/dodeaCelebrates/upload/Disabilities_Defined_IDEA.pdf
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Please share any additional information you would like us to know about your disability.
Do you have an IEP or 504 Plan?
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Languages spoken *
Phone Number *
Mailing Address *
Parent Guardian *
Parent/Guardian email *
Parent/ Guardian  Phone *
Parent/Guardian Address *
What type of communication works best for you? *
List any accommodations you might need
Are you willing to work with a mentor? *
How do you think a mentor might be helpful to you? *
What would you like to see or have in a mentor? *
Please share additional comments or questions.
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