Pragmatics Questionnaire
Appropriateness Judgment Task (AJT) 适当性判断测试

In this test, there are twelve short conversations between Peter and his classmates or teachers. His English is sometimes proper but sometimes there will be a problem.

Your job is to decide how appropriately Peter used English in different conversations on the rating-scales. Grammatical infelicities are not to be considered.

In each conversation, the underlined sentence is the one to be judged.




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6. Please rate the appropriateness of the underlined sentence 请为划线句的适当性进行评分 *
Captionless Image
Most inappropriate 非常不适当
Most appropriate 非常适当
5. Please rate the appropriateness of the underlined sentence 请为划线句的适当性进行评分 *
Captionless Image
Most inappropriate 非常不适当
Most appropriate 非常适当
1. Please rate the appropriateness of the underlined sentence 请为划线句的适当性进行评分 *
Captionless Image
Most inappropriate 非常不适当
Most appropriate 非常适当
8. Please rate the appropriateness of the underlined sentence 请为划线句的适当性进行评分 *
Captionless Image
Most inappropriate 非常不适当
Most appropriate 非常适当
2. Please rate the appropriateness of the underlined sentence 请为划线句的适当性进行评分 *
Captionless Image
Most inappropriate 非常不适当
Most appropriate 非常适当
7. Please rate the appropriateness of the underlined sentence 请为划线句的适当性进行评分 *
Captionless Image
Most inappropriate 非常不适当
Most appropriate 非常适当
3. Please rate the appropriateness of the underlined sentence 请为划线句的适当性进行评分 *
Captionless Image
Most inappropriate 非常不适当
Most appropriate 非常适当
9. Please rate the appropriateness of the underlined sentence 请为划线句的适当性进行评分 *
Captionless Image
Most inappropriate 非常不适当
Most appropriate 非常适当
12. Please rate the appropriateness of the underlined sentence 请为划线句的适当性进行评分 *
Captionless Image
Most inappropriate 非常不适当
Most appropriate 非常适当
10. Please rate the appropriateness of the underlined sentence 请为划线句的适当性进行评分 *
Captionless Image
Most inappropriate 非常不适当
Most appropriate 非常适当
4. Please rate the appropriateness of the underlined sentence 请为划线句的适当性进行评分 *
Captionless Image
Most inappropriate 非常不适当
Most appropriate 非常适当
11. Please rate the appropriateness of the underlined sentence 请为划线句的适当性进行评分 *
Captionless Image
Most inappropriate 非常不适当
Most appropriate 非常适当
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