Farm Lifeguard Quiz
Please complete the online portion of the lifeguard staff page including reading written materials and watching videos.  Do the quiz once you have completed all the material.  There will also be a Farm employee quiz on the protection of children, bullying policy and social network policy.
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Name of Staff Member

True or false: The Farm family mantras are: The Farm family deserves the safest, cleanest and friendliest pool environment in town.

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Which rules are being broken in the third pool rules related video?

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True or False: plastic squirt guns are allowed?
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Kickboards are allowed (select all that apply)

Flips are allowed (select all the apply)

True or False: goggles off the slides are allowed.

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True or False: regulation footballs are allowed to be thrown in The Farm pool.

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When 3 lifeguards are on surveillance duty in the upper pool, the guard in the middle chair has a zone consisting of what areas of the pool?

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True or false, anyone can use the high dive.

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What does The Farm badge test consist of?
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True or False: At The Farm, kids don't typically don't wear their badges.  I can determine if they have their badge by asking the child.
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