Donut Sunday Volunteers
If you love Donut Sundays as much as we do, please consider signing up to volunteer! We are hoping to move away from SignUpGenius and try out a new scheduling system called Ministry Scheduler Pro.

You will have the ability to choose your preferred shift (8 am Mass or 10:30 am Mass) and how frequently you want to help out.

Detailed instructions and assistance will be provided. It's simple, easy, and facilitates fellowship for our whole community. Just fill out the form below, and we'll get in touch with you.

Thank you in advance for helping us continue Donut Sundays! Reach out to Anzley at with any questions.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Name *
Email Address *
Phone Number *
Preferred Shift *
We are interested in using real coffee cups to cut down on waste going forward. Would you be willing to run coffee cups through dishwasher cycle after donuts? *
We are interested in brewing our own coffee going forward. Would you be willing to brew coffee before Mass? *
We are interested in moving to another vendor for donuts to reduce cost. Would you be willing to pick up donuts before Mass? (Only applies to earlier shift.) *
Are you already involved in a liturgical ministry and have a Ministry Scheduler Pro account? *
Comments or questions
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