Cardboard Citizens - Creatives Callout
We're inviting theatre professionals with experience of homelessness to join an informal network for employment opportunities, as well as creative and professional connections with our Members (people with experience of homelessness). Please fill in as much detail as you can in the form below.
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We will use your contact details only for communication about the informal network.
Mobile number
We will use your contact details only for communication about the informal network.
Your agent's name and contact details
Please list some recent credits or highlights from your professional experience
Have you trained professionally? If so please provide some details here:
Please add links to your website or online examples of your work here:
Do you have experience of homelessness?
Our definition of homelessness includes living in a hostel, shelter, refuge or other temporary accommodation, sofa-surfing, street homelessness or refugeedom.
Why are you interested in being connected with Cardboard Citizens?
Do you have any access requirements we should know about?
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