CS 106X Lecture Feedback Form
This form provides us invaluable lecture feedback that we can use to improve the class.  It also counts as a small portion of your section participation grade.  We greatly appreciate any feedback you have!
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Lecture Date *
What did you like about the lecture?
What would you improve about the lecture?
How would you rate the overall quality of instruction today? *
How was your discussion section last week?
(if you already provided feedback for last week's section, or have not yet had your first section, you can leave this blank).
Random message for Nick?
Please input the "hash" of your SUNET ID for participation points. *
Go to this website http://passwordsgenerator.net/md5-hash-generator/ and calculate the hash of your SUNET ID (e.g. my SUNET ID is "troccoli").  Hashing is a way to scramble your SUNET ID such that it's not reversible, but it's usable to give you participation points.  At *no point* will we de-anonymize any survey results we receive.  An automated program will use this hash to award you participation points.
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