Why don't you bike in Dallas?
Hello, I'm conducting a quick survey about biking infrastructure in Dallas for an urban development study to present to the City of Dallas. This survey will help provide information about the wants and needs of Dallas residents. Your answers and opinions will be greatly appreciated.

If you have any additional comments or information to add, please add it to the additional comments at the end of the survey. Thank you!  
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What is your gender? *
What is your age category? *
How often do you cycle? *
What type of cyclist are you? *
Would you like the City of Dallas to invest in more bike infrastructure? (protected bike lanes, bike racks, etc.) *
What zip code are you from in Dallas?
What prevents you from riding your bike frequently? *
What motivates you to ride your bike? *
How much would you be willing to invest in a bike? *
Over the last few years, is getting around Dallas easier, about the same, or harder? *
How would you rate safety while biking? *
How do you make decisions about how to travel in Dallas? *
Which ways would you like to travel but are currently unable to? *
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