FAST Program : Funding and Acceleration for Sustainable Transformation

A COACHING and Funding Program by Fondation Diane

For Innovative Lebanese Startups & MSMEs

Active in the Sustainable Development Sector

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Full Name (Founder and/or CEO) *
Email *
Phone number *
Company you represent *
Since how many years this organization exists?
How many members are currently on your team?
Describe your company, its potential, its offerings, and how it contributes to the program’s goals (75 words).
What is your Unique Selling Proposition (USP)? Does it stem from research and innovation, and is it defendable? (75 words  )
How does your team's expertise enhance the company's competitive advantage in operations, product development, and sales? (50  words  )
How does your company display growth? (50 words) *

Share the road map of your company over the next 12 months. (50 Words)

Share Your Video via WhatsApp

After you click “Submit”, kindly make sure to share a short personal video (1 min max) of you Start-up/MSME introducing yourself and presenting your GREEN company, products & services, while highlighting your INNOVATION through WhatsApp to the following number: 03- 297 397.

Wishing you the best of luck! 

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