Survey: Plant-Based Eating Behaviours
This will aid in gaining insight into consumer demand and preferences for plant-based products. All responses will be kept anonymous. 
What is your gender?  *
What is your age group?  *

What type of diet have you followed over the past year? 

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How often have you consumed plant-based protein alternatives over the past year?  *

If yes, what motivates your consumption of plant-based alternatives?

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Which form of plant-based products do you find most appealing to purchase? 


Would you consume plant-based egg alternatives if available? 


What factor would you consider the most important for plant-based eggs to have in accordance with traditional eggs?


What concerns do you have about trying plant-based eggs as an egg substitute?


In what locations would you find the most important to have access to plant-based egg alternatives? Select all that apply.


What form of plant-based eggs are you most likely to purchase?


Which of the following terms best describe the above image?

Captionless Image
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