EPC Workshop Registration 2021
We have scheduled multiple virtual workshops to introduce the structure and rules of our annual Essay Panel Competition, this year's themes, and to teach the fundamentals of essay writing, multimedia tips, and brainstorming.  

These on-demand workshops will only be available if at least 10 competitors pre-register for each session. Please pre-register as early as possible, and assist us with serving youth of our communities.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Which one of the workshops do you plan to attend?  (Choose as many as you wish) - Zoom link will be provided to the registrants. *
 (see topics below)
Participant's Information
Please only fill out one form per competitor.
Child’s Information
Full Name (First name, MI, Last Name)
Level Competing *
The levels include: Level 1 (1st & 2nd grade), Level 2 (3rd & 4th grade), Level 3 (5th & 6th grade), Level 4 (7th & 8th grade), Level 5 (9th & 10th grade), and Level 6 (11th & 12th grade).
Competitor's Email Address
Parent's Email Address
Telephone number
Thank you for registering for our EPC workshops. We look forward to seeing you, In shaa' Allah.
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, feel free to contact us at essays@mafiq.org or visit our website at http://epc.mafiq.org.

Jazakumullahu khairun!

EPC Organizing Team
Mafiq Foundation

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