Preview Evening and Workshop Bookings for the Our Changing Earth Festival 9th (7 - 9:30pm) + 10/11th June 2023 10 - 5pm
Cost of both the festival and workshops: FREE

We are oversubscribed on many of the workshops so they have been removed.

Alongside the artwork, there will be a multitude of workshops, talks and walks for all ages. There may be spaces on the day but it is recommended you book to guarantee a place. You are welcome to attend as many as you wish but we would hugely appreciate it if you could contact us to let us know if you can't attend -

Please fill out a separate sheet for each attendee.

If you need to cancel, please let us know so we can allocate the place to someone else. There will be no cancellation fees just gratitude you took the time to let us know you won't be able to attend. 

See attached form for more information on each workshop, talk or walk.
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