Presch Award Application
Due date: December 1st, 2021.

Please ask your faculty mentor to send a letter of recommendation to, with the subject line "Recommendation for Presch Scholarship." This letter is due before the application deadline of December 1st, 2021.

Awarded annually to undergraduate and graduate students working in arid lands. Successful applicants will have fees waived for use of the Desert Studies Center facilities for one year, plus an award of $500 towards research expenditures. Applications will be reviewed and evaluated by the Award Committee of the California Desert Studies Consortium. Awards will be announced in December 2021.

Named in memory of Judith A. Presch, Human Resource Specialist, California State University, Fullerton and Desert Studies Center Supporter.
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Email *
Name *
First and last name
Proposal abstract (maximum 1500 characters) *
Project Description (maximum 7500 characters) *
Recommended format includes the following sections: Introduction including justification, Brief methods and location(s), Expected outcomes, Relevance to desert scientific community.
University currently attending *
Title of proposed project *
Campus ID number
Mailing address *
Enrollment status *
Program or Department *
GPA in major
Overall GPA
Name of faculty sponsor *
Please ask your faculty mentor to send a letter of recommendation to, with the subject line "Recommendation for Presch Scholarship." This letter is due before the application deadline of December 1st, 2021.
Faculty Sponsor's department and campus postal address *
Faculty sponsor's phone number *
Faculty Sponsor's email address *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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