Date: Tuesday, November 26th
Abstract: While Urban Metabolism is considered as a young field that is full of potential for understanding the complex functioning of cities (particularly through the lens of resource use and pollution generation) and providing valuable insights and tools for making them more sustainable, circular, resilient, regenerative and other promising metaphors.
Yet, the metaphor has been around for more than a century and Brussels has been a “renowned” hotspot of urban metabolism since the ‘70s thanks to Paul Duvigneaud and his team’s work. Since then, the concept has been welcomed (sometimes with some apprehension) by policy makers and practice and today it is gaining considerable momentum.
After all these years, (in which ways) has this field really advanced our understanding of the functioning of cities and has it really “changed” anything? This seminar is the last of a global three-part discussion between researchers, policy makers and practitioners from Cape Town, Beijing and Brussels. Join us to discuss about the future of this field and how it can help set the foundation for a much needed science-policy-practice interface.
Co-organisers: Metabolism of Cities, Chair of Circular Metabolism, Vlaanderen Circulair, OVAM, UN Environment
Venue: Perspective.Brussels (Rue de Namur 59, 1000 Brussels)
For the most updated information, please visit: note: Please be aware that we will record the seminar (presentations and general overview). If you decide to join us, you agree that you might appear in the videos that will summarise our event.