Game Dev Co-op Official Volunteer Form
The Game Dev Co-op has always been driven by community efforts, but we haven't always let the community know how they can get involved in an official capacity. We'd like to change that. Below you will find a list of possible ways that you dedicate yourself to taking on some of the tasks that the board either hasn't had time to do, or has taken full responsibility for up until now. This list is not exhaustive. If you can think of something you would like to do that falls outside of these things, but falls into the general category of helping support the Game Development community feel free to write it in as an "other" item.

Web/Content Team - 1-2 core volunteers
Captures and posts speaker assets and resources from events. Posts brief blog-style summary write-ups of educational events to (to coincide with A/V team)

A/V Team - 1-2 core volunteers
Responsible for recording  and/or streaming audio and/or video of relevant educational events including talks, panels, and game jam presentations.

Monthly Events - 2 Volunteers to rotate with Wes (3 total team members)
Responsible for confirming sessions, participants, and venue. Posts online event notices via Facebook and Meetup. Events to be organized with at least 4-weeks notice.

ScatterJam Team - 2 core volunteers
Responsible for organizing the annual ScatterJam. Identifies date and location, organizes and hosts kick-off and presentation events. Works with web team to update Scatterjam website with date, location, and signup information.

Global Game Jam Team - 3-5 core volunteers
Responsible for organizing the annual Global Game Jam. Put together sponsorship information and reach out to sponsors to help fund the event. Confirm venue. Line up event volunteer crew. Organize and purchase food for all three days. Organizes and hosts kick-off and presentation events. Organizes and purchases supplies as necessary. Gets a t-shirt designed and printed. Prints resource sheets for jammers. Is available to help on-site at the event all weekend. Works with web team and Global Game Jam Leadership to update website with date, location, and signup information.

Drinkup - 1-2 core volunteers
Must be present with sign-up sheet and giveaways from 8-11pm at the monthly drinkup on the 2nd thursday of each month. Hosts announcements and giveaways. Identify a responsible party to take over when unavailable to attend
Name *
Email *
What roles are you interested in? *
If you chose "other," please describe how you would like to volunteer
Why do you want to volunteer, and how much time do you anticipate putting toward your efforts? *
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