Empower Her To Thrive Mother/Daughter Devotional Waitlist

This 30 day devotional is for Moms and their daughters to experience together. I picked 30 days because it takes 30 days to develop a habit and I believe “A Habit Becomes A Way of Life” 

The purpose behind this book is to strengthen the bond between a mother and daughter through biblical principles and communicate authenticity through transparency. This devotional contains real stories of myself and my youngest daughter, Tyla that created opportunities for me to be self-reflective and build character in myself and relational development with my daughter.  Because my daughter is mimicking and modeling after me, “I am rubber, she is glue, and through self-reflection, I now recognize what I say “bounces off of ME and sticks to HER.”  

It is my prayer that the stories and activities in this book help to cultivate an environment of trust and be one where you can see yourself thriving because you recognize mistakes and reflections are part of the “becoming” process. Know that perfection is a false reality of the process because you never arrive, you are always becoming. 

Thank you and may God bless you. 

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Empower Her to Thrive: Mother/Daughter Devotional 
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