ASES PV Technical Division Feedback Form
This survey is intended to provide clarity around the interests and background of the members of the American Solar Energy Society Photovoltaic (PV) Technical Division. The chair and vice-chair of the technical division will use your feedback to set agendas and frequencies of PV technical division meetings and webinars.

There are no mandatory responses. Only answer questions you are comfortable with. 

Please do not provide any personal information, including but not limited to your name, email address, phone # etc. This will insure that your responses are confidential and prevent personal information being stored in the cloud in the unlikely event of a data breach.

If you wish to contact us directly, you can reach PV Tech Div chair John Burke at or vice-chair Rich Stromberg at
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PV Technical Division - Participant Demographics
Approximate age of your solar array(s). Check all that apply.
Approximate size of your solar array(s). Check all that apply.
My system...
Performance issues I have experienced with my solar array(s)
I would like the PV Technical Division to focus on the following topics:
What is your opinion regarding making every other meeting an "O&M Rountable" where members share examples of system issues they have encountered, what they did to resolve that issue and/or suggestions on how to help them resolve the issue? 
Frequency of PV Tech Div meetings: I would like to see hour-long meetings held...
Preferred meeting days
Preferred meeting times
Guest speakers - Feel free to suggest one or more guest speakers by providing their name, contact info and areas of expertise. You are also welcome to self-nominate. You can also email us at and if you prefer not to include your own name/contact in this survey.
What other feedback or suggestions do you have for the PV Technical Division team? 
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