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YYJ Tech Channel Steward application
A channel steward will act as a moderator within a specific Slack channel.
They will be responsible for:
Monitoring the channel for issues and code of conduct violations
Modelling welcoming and inclusive behaviours, especially for newcomers
Establishing and reinforcing any channel-specific conventions (e.g. threading, post format requirements etc)
Addressing spam reports and, if necessary, removing posts
Supporting users to report any code of conduct violations
Working with a team of other channel stewards to handle code of conduct violations in line with the guidelines
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* Indicates required question
Your email
First and last name
Your answer
Slack name
Your answer
Which channel(s) would you be interested in being a steward of?
Your answer
What experience do you have that would make you a good channel steward?
Your answer
What is your comfort level working through complex issues related to diversity and power?
Your answer
Training will be mandatory before starting this role
Sounds good, I'm open to paid or unpaid training
OK but I would need financial support for any paid training
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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