YYJ Tech Channel Steward application
A channel steward will act as a moderator within a specific Slack channel. 

They will be responsible for:
  • Monitoring the channel for issues and code of conduct violations
  • Modelling welcoming and inclusive behaviours, especially for newcomers
  • Establishing and reinforcing any channel-specific conventions (e.g. threading, post format requirements etc)
  • Addressing spam reports and, if necessary, removing posts
  • Supporting users to report any code of conduct violations
  • Working with a team of other channel stewards to handle code of conduct violations in line with the guidelines
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Email *
First and last name *
Slack name *
Which channel(s) would you be interested in being a steward of? *
What experience do you have that would make you a good channel steward? *
What is your comfort level working through complex issues related to diversity and power? *
Training will be mandatory before starting this role *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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