Contact Information and Interests 
To help us understand more about members and what you are interested in learning from AAPI Alliance, please fill out this brief questionnaire. Your responses will help us inform our newsletters, postings, and hosted events. Responses are confidential.  

Thank you! 
Email *
1. First and Last Name *
2a. How did you hear about AAPI Alliance? *
2b. Please specify. 
3. Are you currently affiliated with any of the following? *
4. Please describe your affiliation. *
4b. Please describe "other" affiliation. 
5. If you are are a parent, student or employee of SMMUSD, which school(s) are you affiliated with? Check all that apply.  *
6. What are you most interested in learning about? Check all that apply.

6b. If there is other information you'd like to learn, please describe. 
7. What areas would you be interested in volunteering for AAPI Alliance?  *
7b. If you checked holding a small class or "Other" please describe. 
8. Have you attended past AAPI Alliance events? *
9. If you have any questions or feedback, please share below. 
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