Full Time Fluid Technician - Huron Park Ontario
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Welcome to Zimmark.   Thank you for your inquiry into this position.  The following on line application assists our hiring team in finding the best role for you.   To get started, please provide your full name.
Please provide your name in the space below
Please provide your primary phone contact phone number
What is your email address
What is your home address
Would you prefer full time or part time work
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How many hours a week would you prefer to work
Are you available to work
Do you have any times when you know you are not available to work
Are you comfortable lifting 50lbs when required
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Are you comfortable walking 1 to 2 miles per day
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Have you worked in any of these industries
What environment would you be most comfortable working in
How comfortable are you working with your hands and working with basic tools
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Although the computer is not the major part of any site position, some computer work is required.   Do you have experience with any of the following applications
If you had to rate your method of learning.  Do you prefer to learn by
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Many of our technicians work independently with minimal direct supervision.   What is your preferred work style
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What level of education have you completed
Have you ever had a Lift Truck license?
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Do you have a valid drivers license
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Do you have your own transportation
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Have you ever been convicted of a criminal offense
How many days of work did you miss last year
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Can you provide your previous employers name and number as a reference
Do you have a resume?  If so, please forward to hr@zimmark.com
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What is the best way to contact you
What is the best time to contact you
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Thank you for taking the time to respond.   A representative from our team will contact you in the next week.   Before we go, is there anything you would like to add about yourself or your experiences that would make you a great fit on our team
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