2024 VCTM Spring Conference Proposals

The Vermont Council of Teachers of Mathematics is seeking presenters for its annual conference, which will be held on Wednesday, April 10, 2024  at the Vermont State University, Randolph Campus. This year's conference theme is “Equity in Math Class,” presenters should be able to describe how their presentation aligns with the theme. The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics describes equity and access as “being responsive to students' backgrounds, experiences, cultural perspectives, traditions, and knowledge when designing and implementing a mathematics program and assessing its effectiveness. Addressing equity and access includes both ensuring that all students attain mathematics proficiency and increasing the numbers of students from all racial, ethnic, linguistic, gender, and socioeconomic groups who attain the highest levels of mathematics achievement.

Proposals are due on October 31, 2023 and final decisions will be made before December 15, 2023. You may submit more than one proposal.

If your proposal is chosen, then the lead presenter's conference fees will be paid. Please specify who the lead presenter is if there is more than one presenter. All presentations will be given a 50 minute time slot. 

Your proposal will be anonymously critiqued using the following guidelines:

1. The objectives of the proposal clearly state what the participants will learn and be able to do.

2. The stated objectives are appropriate to the grade level and content area.

3. The stated objectives will build on participants' mathematical content and/or pedagogical knowledge.

4. The description (and title) of the presentation is clearly described.

5. The description states there will be mathematical content and/or pedagogical knowledge.

6. The activities described are appropriate for the grade band and targeted audience.

7. The proposal and objective align with the theme of the conference.

Please reach out to VCTM with any questions by emailing vctmconference@gmail.com

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Email *
Lead Presenter's Name *
Lead Presenter's Email *
Co Presenter's Name(s)
Co Presenter's Email
Session Title *
What grade bands(s) are the target audience? *
Description of the session (to be printed in the program) *
What are the session objectives? *
What standards will be addressed during the session? *
How does your session align with the theme of the conference "Equity in Math Class"? *
What technology/equipment will you need?
Are you part of a company or other for-profit organization? *
Name up to three conferences that you have presented at in the past. *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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