Suggest an artist to Canadian BIPOC Art

 This Instagram account is a personal project of mine to research and showcase Canadian BIPOC artists on a weekly/monthly basis. I started this account as I wished to enrich my knowledge of BIPOC artists across Canada. 

As of now, I am choosing both emerging or mid-career visual artists who’ve had a solo show/presentation in the past 4 years.

As I am starting getting some inquiries, I've decided to make this form so you may share your suggestions.

Please note, I am running this instagram during my free time with no funding, I will do my best to read and research all your suggestions, I love learning about practices I wasn't aware yet.  All best~ Rihab

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A past solo exhibition/presentation by an emergent/mid-career BIPOC visual artist that you saw in so-called Canada.

Artist name, show title, year, gallery/venue name
Why this artist/exhibition? Feel free to share your review, why you liked it, how was impactful to you or how did this exhibition was impactful to you.
Please select all mediums that apply to this artist's practice.
Feel free to share your suggestions, please be kind 😊.
Canadian BIPOC Art recognizes that all exhibition showcases in this account are located in are on the unceded, unsurrendered land of all indigenous nations of Northern turtle islands, so-called Canada. 

Here bellow is one of my favorite land acknowledgement written by poet by Deirdre Lee for Canadian Art, Dec 3, 2020,

Step one

Read this poem aloud

Ideally outside

in the sun

So the trees & the wind can listen in

If this makes you roll your eyes


Go away

Have a nap

Try again


Step two

Learn what “unceded” means

Understand that this

is just the beginning


Step three 

Be present

with feelings of being uncomfortable

or embarrassed

You could probably use the practice


these feelings are not life-threatening


Step four

Locate yourself



Time for Q&A

Time to know

Time to say

Whose traditional territory

do you live

& breathe

& work

& love upon?


Who was here

for thousands of years

before you?


Step five


that though

Indigenous Peoples

are ancient

We are also

still alive

Resist the urge to mythologize

Reject what


(if anything)

you have been taught in school

or in most mainstream media

Embrace this truth:

You have no idea


Step six

It’s not your job to fix this

Or it is

But as an accomplice

You are not the boss

No matter your activist street cred

In this

you are a rookie

Let go of expectation

Of being in charge

Of being lauded

Of getting an ally cookie


Step seven

Seven generations

Seven teachings

Seven months to seventy

1752 Treaty


& youth

Are rising

Are speaking

Are you listening?

Are you learning?


Step eight


Pace yourself on this journey


is not an on-off switch


is no magic-spell scenario


is more like encouraging plants to grow

Nurture your skills

& heart




Fuck up




Step nine

This guide

is not permanent

Or definitive

Or chronological

There is no such thing as linear time

This work does not come with finish line

Step one

Read this poem aloud

Ideally outside

in the sun

So the trees & the wind can listen in

If this makes you roll your eyes


Go away

Have a nap

Try again


Step two

Learn what “unceded” means

Understand that this

is just the beginning


Step three 

Be present

with feelings of being uncomfortable

or embarrassed

You could probably use the practice


these feelings are not life-threatening


Step four

Locate yourself



Time for Q&A

Time to know

Time to say

Whose traditional territory

do you live

& breathe

& work

& love upon?


Who was here

for thousands of years

before you?


Step five


that though

Indigenous Peoples

are ancient

We are also

still alive

Resist the urge to mythologize

Reject what


(if anything)

you have been taught in school

or in most mainstream media

Embrace this truth:

You have no idea


Step six

It’s not your job to fix this

Or it is

But as an accomplice

You are not the boss

No matter your activist street cred

In this

you are a rookie

Let go of expectation

Of being in charge

Of being lauded

Of getting an ally cookie


Step seven

Seven generations

Seven teachings

Seven months to seventy

1752 Treaty


& youth

Are rising

Are speaking

Are you listening?

Are you learning?


Step eight


Pace yourself on this journey


is not an on-off switch


is no magic-spell scenario


is more like encouraging plants to grow

Nurture your skills

& heart




Fuck up




Step nine

This guide

is not permanent

Or definitive

Or chronological

There is no such thing as linear time

This work does not come with finish line

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