Westbury Sub Mendip Community Shop Customer Survey 2022
Thankyou for taking the time to respond to our survey.  Your Shop needs your support, and we greatly value your feedback.

There are just 10 questions.

Your answers will be anonymous unless you choose to enter your details at the end of the survey. 

As a small incentive, there will be a prize draw for a food hamper for all who complete the survey and provide their contact details / email.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
1. How often do you or any member of your household use the shop at present?  *
2. What are the reasons why you do not visit the shop more often? 
3. Would any of the following product lines interest you / persuade you to visit more?
4. Would any of the following services be of interest ? (those starred * already exist)
5. The shop is currently open 8-5 weekdays, 8-1 pm Saturday and 9-11 am Sunday.
Would you use the shop more if it were open at these times:
6. The Shop depends significantly on its volunteers, and we could do with a few more to share the load.

Would you be prepared to work in the shop as a volunteer? Hours are flexible, training and insurance will be provided.

This could include counter service, back office admin tasks, deliveries, helping to re-stock, making produce to sell etc?
7. Some Community Shops sell jams, pickles and baked goods such as cakes and pastries, made by local residents.  Others sell locally grown flowers, fruit and vegetables. Would you be interested in taking part in this? (you would be reimbursed)
8. We would like to offer as much local produce in the shop as possible. If there are local goods you would buy if they were available, please list them below.  

Similarly, if you are a supplier or aware of additional local products we could sell, please tell us about them below.
9. Would you be attracted by any of the following:
10. We are hoping to improve access to the garden, and to make more use of this outside space for shop services and community events.  Tick any of the following which would be of interest to you:
Thank you for completing our survey.

We would find it helpful to have your contact details so that we may follow up on any issues raised.  

You do not need to provide these, but if you do we will enter you into our prize draw for a food hamper.

Please leave your name, contact phone number and/or email below.
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