Questionnaire for 15-104, Fall 2018
Students in 15-104 are asked to complete this form in order to ensure their proper enrollment in the course.
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Your first (given) name: *
Your last (family) name: *
Your CMU Andrew ID (email address): *
The nickname by which you'd like to be known on the course website. (By default, we would use your first name):
What interests you about this course? What do you hope to achieve, or how do you think it may influence your practice? Towards what kinds of projects would you like to apply these skills?
To what extent have you used code to make something *you* wanted to make? Approximately how many times have you created a self-directed software project? (It's fine if your projects were incomplete or small, and it doesn't matter whether anyone would call them "Art" or not).
FERPA Waiver and Consent to Disclose Student Work Online: In fulfillment of the requirements of this course, students are expected to publish certain of their projects online, in a publicly accessible format. (Of course, concerned students have the option to present their work in an anonymized way, without their full name, if they wish.) Do you consent to present your efforts online? (For more information, please see: *
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