We appreciate your feedback!
Thank you for coming to our event and taking the time to let us know your thoughts. Your responses help us plan future events.
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What event did you attend? (Select all that apply) *
How were you made aware of this event? (Check all that apply)
Please let us know what you enjoyed about our event and share your thoughts on Facebook or Google.
Did you have any challenges with the process for this event?  (Tickets, Registration, Location)  What improvements could we make?
Do you have any feedback about our concessions & merchandise?
What other events or shows would you like us to provide?
What is your race? As a nonprofit, Smokestack Theatre Company is able to qualify for grants to fund its programs based on this question. Please note that your response is optional. 
What is your age?
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Which zip code do you live in?
Would you be interested in supporting Smokestack in other ways?
Would you liked to be contacted specifically to resolve an issue or provide additional feedback?
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