We are deeply concerned about the case of a graduate student in the English department at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, who is under attack by the alt-right, both on and off campus. On campus she has been the target of threats and harassment by a UMass undergraduate, Louis Shenker, whose Internet presence, including the “MinutemanBroadcast,” identifies him as an extreme alt-right personality who uses incel language.
On November 12th at an event being held at a full-house crowd of 1600 people at the Fine Arts Center at UMass entitled “Criminalizing Dissent: The Attack on BDS and Pro-Palestinian Voices,” Shenker, in a premeditated plan, disrupted the event. He shouted racial slurs at the speakers, who included Linda Sarsour, Cornel West and Shaun King. Even before his outburst he had been verbally harassing the graduate student, who is his former teacher, saying he was “going to get her.” He proudly filmed his disruption so he would have video footage for his subsequent self-promoting publicity campaign.
Not surprisingly, within twenty-four hours he was invited onto Alex Jones’ Info Wars for a half-hour interview, reaching a massive audience of dangerous alt-right fanatics. The graduate student was the focus of his ire, and for weeks he has systematically and repeatedly spread her personal information, including her name, photo, and department, across alt-right networks.
On social media Shenker constantly refers to his target as his ex-teacher in the English department and as a terrorist/jihadist, while simultaneously posting that he will shoot Amherst terrorists. He uses various incendiary terms to set a white nationalist audience on this individual, and compel action from that audience. Responses online echo calls for violence. The targeting of the graduate student has spread even further with alt-right media celebrities such as Michelle Malkin and Laura Loomer amplifying the threats.
This is not a matter of protected free speech as Shenker has repeatedly threatened the graduate student, promising to bring “fire and fury, the likes of which the world has never seen” on his former teacher. As other students and teachers have seen these messages online, they are, not surprisingly, also concerned about their own safety on campus, and there is an atmosphere of fear in the department. Some prominent faculty have moved their classes off campus, and graduate students fear going to her department building.
Given the nature of Shenker’s widespread audience and ties to hate groups, and the ways in which those responding to him online suggest violence, the graduate student is increasingly concerned for her safety as his reputation spread across alt-right networks. When he was served with an anti-harassment order issued by the Northampton District Court, he immediately violated it by posting threats online and was subsequently arrested. The Northampton Police Department have expressed concern about the threat he poses. The graduate student has been placed on administrative leave from teaching for the rest of the semester for her own safety.
Meanwhile, the university has repeatedly disseminated misinformation about the status of the case and publicly dismissed the threats posed, compelling graduate students to return to work.
What Shenker does as a private citizen is one thing. What he does as a student at the University of Massachusetts is a matter for the university administration. For reasons that escape us, they have been strangely passive regarding his actions despite the fact that he has already violated the Student Code of Conduct by his disruption of the Fine Arts Center event, and has created an environment of fear on campus with his campaign of harassment against his former teacher. If the University is serious about its claims that “Hate has no home at UMASS” or that it is committed to “building a community of dignity and trust,” then it must move swiftly to take protective action to protect the campus from Shenker - including expulsion and a no-trespass order. Given the concerns that some law-enforcement personnel have about the threat he and the alt-right networks pose, anything less amounts to severe negligence regarding the safety of individual students/staff and the campus as a whole.
All faculty are invited to sign *this* petition by adding your information at the question prompts you will find at the bottom of this form.
For all others: since we are using this list largely as a faculty statement to show UMass the extent of professorial and instructional support of this graduate student instructor, we are asking that *all others* sign this *separate* petition <
Original Signatories:
Bill V. Mullen
Professor of American Studies
Purdue University
Campus Antifascist Network
Organizing Collective, US Campaign for Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel
David Palumbo-Liu
Louise Hewlett Nixon Professor
Stanford University
Campus Anti-fascist Network
Organizing Collective, US Campaign for Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel
Chris Vials
Associate Professor of English
University of Connecticut-Storrs
Campus Antifascist Network
Cornel West
Professor of the Practice of Public Philosophy, Harvard University
Joan W. Scott
School of Social Science
Institute for Advanced Study (Princeton NJ)
Judith Butler
Maxine Elliott Professor
University of California, Berkeley
Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak
University Professor in the Humanities
Columbia University
Boots Riley
Filmmaker/Musician, screenwriter and director “Sorry To Bother You”
Roger Waters
Musician, Co-Founder Pink Floyd
Robin D. G. Kelley
Distinguished Professor of History & Gary B. Nash Endowed Chair in United States History
University of California, Los Angeles
Linda Sarsour
Executive Director, for Change
Tim Wise
Anti-Racist Activist, author “White Like Me”
Colin Dayan
Robert Penn Warren Professor in the Humanities
Vanderbilt University
George Ciccariello-Maher
Decolonizing Humanities Project
The College of William & Mary
Johnny E. Williams
Professor of Sociology
Trinity College
Andrej Grubacic
Professor and Chair, Anthropology and Social Change
California Institute of Integral Studies
Adrienne Pine
Associate Professor and Graduate Program Director, Anthropology
American University
Robert McChesney
Gutgsell Endowed Professor,
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Sut Jhally
Professor of Communication
University of Massachusetts at Amherst
Mark Bray
Lecturer in History
Rutgers University
J. Kehaulani Kauanui
Professor of American Studies
Wesleyan University
Shane Burley
Donna Haraway, Professor Emerita, History of Consciousness, UC Santa Cruz
H. Bruce Franklin, The John Cotton Dana Professor of English and American Studies, Rutgers-Newark, Emeritus
Ian Balfour, Professor Emeritus of English, York University
Ajantha Subramanian,
Professor of Anthropology, Harvard University
Priyamvada Gopal,
Reader, Faculty of English, University of Cambridge
Bruce Robbins
Old Dominion Foundation Professor, Columbia University
Jacques Lezra, Professor of Spanish, University of California, Riverside
Lisa Duggan,
Professor, Social & Cultural Analysis, NYU
Lawrence Joseph, Tinnelly Professor of Law, St. John's University School of Law, City School of Law
Bonnie Honig, Nancy Duke Lewis Professor of Modern Culture, and Political Science, Brown University
Michael Meranze,
Professor of History, UCLA
Sara Feldman,
Preceptor in Yiddish, Harvard University
Rosalind Galt,
Professor, King's College London
Maria Nikolakaki,
Associate Professor, University of Peloponnese, Greece
Tathagatan Ravindran, Assistant Professor, Universidad Icesi
Coll Thrush
Professor of History, University of British Columbia
Rebecca Karl,
Professor, New York University
Noura Erakat
Assistant Professor, Rutgers University
Ralph Litzinger,
Professor, Duke University
David Lloyd
Distinguished Professor of English, UC Riverside
Mitch Manning
Associate Director - William Joiner Institute for the Study of War and Social Consequences, UMass Boston
Jordy Rosenberg,
Professor University of Massachusetts-Amherst
Britt Rusert,
Associate Professor, Afro-American Studies, UMass Amherst
Martin Espada,
Professor of English, University of Massachusetts-Amherst
Dr. Priscilla Page,
Senior Lecturer II, Department of Theater UMASS Amherst
Jennifer Fronc,
Professor of History, UMass Amherst
Nicole Erhardt,
Lecturer, English Writing Program UMass
Neelofer Qadir,
Assistant Professor of English and International & Global Studies, UNC Greensboro. UMass ‘19 (PhD)
Rosalind Galt,
Professor, King's College London
Christian Haesemeyer, Professor of Pure Mathematics, The University of Melbourne
Curtis Marez,
Professor, University of California, San Diego
Veronica Santana
Administrative Fellow for Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging at School of Engineering and Applied Sciences - Harvard University | UMASS Amherst Alum 2013'
Nick Estes
Assistant Professor of American Studies, University of New Mexico
Catherine Karkov,
Chair of Art History, University of Leeds
Joseph Grim, Feinberg
Research fellow, Czech Academy of Sciences
Zoe Lawlor
Teacher, University of Limerick, Ireland
Belinda Walzer,
Assistant Professor of English, Appala
Kerim Friedman
Associate Professor, NDHU Taiwan
Leigh Gilmore,
Distinguished Visiting Professor, Wellesley
Rush Rehm,
Professor, Theater and Classics, Stanford University
Yasmeen Narayan
Lecturer in Postcolonial and Psychosocial Studies, Birkbeck College, University of London
Katrin Wehrheim,
Associate Professor of Mathematics, UC Berkeley
Laleh Khalili,
Professor of International Politics, Queen Mary University of London
Polly Pallister-Wilkins,
Senior Lecturer, Politics, University of Amsterdam
Jim Hicks
Senior Lecturer II, Comparative Literature, UMass Amherst
Kevin A. Young,
Assistant Professor of History, UMass Amherst
Arno Noack,
UMASS Amherst CHC alumni
Isabel Espinal,
Librarian, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Yogita Goyal,
Professor, African American Studies and English, UCLA
Sam Ladkin
Senior Lecturer, University of Sussex
Satya P Mohanty,
Professor of English, Cornell University
Erin Graff Zivin,
Professor, USC
Julia Strauss
Professor, SOAS University of London
Jim Daniels,
Thomas S.Baker University Professor of English, Carnegie Mellon University
Amanda Hayes,
Assistant Professor, Kent
Maria Morrison,
Faculty Lecturer McGill University
David Galbraith,
Professor Emeritus, Dept of English, University of Toronto
Daniel Katz,
Professor, University of Warwick
Jason Read,
Professor of Philosophy, University of Southern Maine
Jeff Crane,
Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, Saint Martins University
Steven Marsh,
Professor University of Illinois at Chicago
Tithi Bhattacharya,
Professor, History and Director, Global Studies, Purdue University, Campus Antifascist Network
Larisa K Mann,
Assistant Professor, Media Studies and Production, Temple University
Daniel Vitkus,
Professor, UC San Diego
Ben Brucato,
Lecturer, Department of Sociology, Rhode Island College, Providence, RI
Bob Majzler,
Lecturer, UC Santa Cruz
Mary Danico,
Professor, Cal l Poly Pomona
Melissa F Weiner,
Associate Professor of Sociology, College of the Holy Cross
Dana Luciano,
Associate Professor, English, Rutgers University
Andrea Lawlor,
Assistant Professor, Mount Holyoke College; UMass ‘12 (MFA)
Cynthia Wu,
Associate Professor at Indiana University
Juliana Chang,
Professor of English, Santa Clara University
Srdan Keca,
Assistant Professor, Department of Art & Art History, Stanford University
Benjamin Balthaser,
Associate Professor, Indiana University, South Bend
Simona Sharoni,
Director, Interdisciplinary Institute, Merrimack College
Adam Miyashiro,
Associate Professor, Stockton University
Michael Rothberg,
Professor of English, UCLA
Laura McAtackney
Associate Professor, Aarhus University, Denmark
Angharad Davis
Lecturer, Yale University
Shamma Boyarin
Assistant Professor, University of Victoria
Emanuela Bianchi
Associate Professor of Comparative Literature, New York University
Kathleen Feyh,
Asst. Teaching Professor, Syracuse University
Laura Martin,
Professor, South Puget Sound Community College
Seth Kahn,
Professor of English, West Chester University of PA
Zoltan Grossman,
Faculty, Geography/Native Studies, The Evergreen State College
Denise A Heckman,
Associate Professor, Syracuse University
Laura Jaffee,
Visiting Instructor, Colgate University
Krystal Klingenberg,
Assistant Professor, University of Hartford
Robyn Schroeder,
Director, Humanities for the Public Good Initiative; Adjunct Professor, American Studies, UNC-Chapel Hill
David Copenhafer,
Assistant Professor Bard Early College
Anthony Alessandrini, Professor of English and Middle Eastern Studies, City University of New York
Robert Haug,
Associate Professor of History
Chris Funk,
Adjunct Professor
Dorothy Kim,
Assistant Professor, Brandeis University
Ryan Skinnell, Asst. Professor of English, San José State University
Peter Ikeler,
Assistant Professor Sociology SUNY Old Westbury
Bruce Carlson,
Associate Professor of Biology, Washington University in St. Louis
Franklin Ridgway,
Adjunct Professor, University of Cincinnati
Lucas Klein,
Associate Professor, University of Hong Kong
Karin Evans,
Professor of English, College of DuPage
Jeremy Siegman,
Lecturer, Harvard University
Dainy Bernstein,
Adjunct and PhD Candidate, CUNY Graduate Center
Stuart McLean,
Professor of Anthropology, University of Minnesota
Tom Eyers,
Associate Professor of Philosophy, Duquesne University
GPat Patterson,
Assistant Professor of English, LGBT Studies Coordinator; Kent State University
Alexander F. Day,
Associate Professor of History, Occidental College
Nicholas W. Mason,
Teaching Assistant, Maxwell School of Citizenships and Public Affairs, Syracuse University
Mark Dobbins,
Adjunct Professor of Art History
Robert W. Barrett, Jr.,
Associate Professor of English, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Aaron Kashtan,
Lecturer, UNC Charlotte
Norman Ajari,
Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Villanova University
Carlos Varón González,
Assistant Professor, UC Riverside
Robin Anne Reid,
Professor, Dept of Literature and Languages, Texas A&M-Commerce
Stephen D'Arcy,
Associate Professor, Philosophy, Huron at Western
Charisse Burden-Stelly,
Assistant Professor of Africana Studies and Political Science, Carleton College
Dean J. Johnson,
Dir. of Peace and Conflict Studies, West Chester University of PA
Rachel L Rubin,
Professor, University of Massachusetts Boston
David Boyles,
Writing Instructor, Arizona State University
Nizan Shaked,
Professor, CSULB
Michael Reagan,
University of Washington
Jeffrey Bayliss,
Associate Professor of History, Trinity College
Ian Paul,
Assistant Professor, Stony Brook University
Dalia Ebeid,
Graduate Student-University of Arizona
Francisco Robles,
Assistant Professor of English, University of Notre Dame
Gloria Badal,
Professor of Political Science
Matthew Evan Davis,
Instructor, Blinn College
Sam Brody,
Assistant Professor of Religious Studies, University of Kansas
Maureen Curtin,
Associate Professor, SUNY Oswego
Julie Webber,
Professor, Illinois State University
Arum Park,
Assistant Professor, University of Arizona
Jaclyn Berg,
PhD student Duquesne
Katherine Behar,
Associate Professor, Baruch College-CUNY
Matias Beverinotti ,
Assistant Professor, Spanish & Portuguese SDSU
Rebecca Schneider,
Professor of Performance Studies, Brown University
Lori Markson,
Associate Professor of Psychological & Brain Sciences, Washington University in St Louis
Heath Cabot,
Assistant Professor of Anthropology
Heather Mitchell-Buck,
Associate Professor, Hood College
Nahir I. Otano Gracia,
Assistant Professor at the University of New Mexico (UMass Alumn)
Sheila Smart Sicilia,
Professor, Onondaga Community College
Targol Mesbah,
Assistant Professor in Anthropology & Social Change
Sunaina Maira,
Professor, Asian American Studies, University of California, Davis
Elizabeth Bishop,
Fulbright Scholar, Université d'Oran 2 Mohamed Ben Ahmed
Jennifer Kwon Dobbs,
Associate Professor of English and Director of Race and Ethnic Studies
Leila K. Norako,
Assistant Professor, University of Washington
Neel ahuja,
Associate professor of critical race and ethnic studies, UC-Santa Cruz
Alistair Welchman, Professor of Philosophy, University of Texas at San Antonio
David McNally,
Professor of History
University of Houston
Patricia Sawin,
Associate Professor, American Studies
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Erin Rose Ellison, Associate Professor
Department of Psychology California State University, Sacramento
Helen Bieber, Emerita Professor, Cinema, Television and Media Production Kutztown University
Sayres Rudy,
Visiting Prof PoliSci UMass ‘18-‘19
Philip Gasper,
Professor Emeritus of Philosophy, Notre Dame de Namur University
Chanda Prescod-Weinstein,
Assistant Professor, University of New Hampshire
Victoria Leigh Brown,
Lecturer, SUNY Binghamton
Claudia Pineda,
Assistant Professor, Cal. State University, Fullerton
Roger Even Bove,
Associate Professor of Economics (Retired) West Chester University of PA
chian State University
Mark Rupert,
Professor of Political Science, Syracuse University
Beth Robinson,
Assistant Professor, Texas A&M-Corpus Christi
Molly Tambor,
Associate Professor of History, Long Island University Post
Don Unger,
Assistant Professor, University of Mississippi
Timothy Oleksiak,
Assistant Professor, UMass Boston
Meghan McDowell,
Assistant Professor WSSU
Nathan Kalman-Lamb,
Lecturing Fellow, Duke University
Kelli D. Potter,
Associate Professor of Philosophy, Utah Valley University
Risa Silverman,
Adjunct faculty and staff UMass
Justin Thompson
, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Sociology
William Smith,
Professor, Weatherford College
Richard Lachmann,
Professor of Sociology, University at Albany- SUNY
Jessie Daniels,
Faculty Affiliate, Harvard Berkman Klein Center | Professor, City University of New York
Lana Povitz,
Visiting Assistant Professor, Middlebury College
Mark Driscoll,
Professor, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Lisa King,
Associate Professor of English, University of Tennessee-Knoxville
Kelly Rae Kraemer,
Professor of Peace Studies, College of St. Benedict/St. John’s University
Chris Cartright,
Lecturer of English, Georgia Southern University
Ingrid Semaan,
Associate Professor in Residence, University of Connecticut
Dina Gilio-Whitaker,
Professor of American Indian Studies, California State University San Marcos
Steven Shipman,
Associate Professor of Chemistry, New College of Florida
Bryan McCann,
Associate Professor, Louisiana State University
Dan Skinner,
Professor of Government and International Studies, Bloomfield College
Jessie Moore,
Adjunct Instructor, State University of New York at Oswego
Katie Horowitz,
Assistant Professor of Gender & Sexuality Studies and Writing, Davidson College
Alyssa Stover,
Adjunct Professor of Dance, Department of Theatre Arts & Dance, Loyola University New Orleans
Donald R Guillory,
History Instructor, Arizona State University
Mick Brewer,
Assistant Professor, Lincoln University
Holly Baines,
Contract Faculty - Royal Roads University
Aaron Hostetter,
Associate Professor, Rutgers-Camden
David C. Oh,
Associate Professor, Ramapo College of New Jersey
Andrew Hoberek,
Professor of English, University of Missouri
Cody Jackson,
Graduate Instructor, Texas Christian University
Miriam Golomb,
Assoc Prof Emeritus, Univ of Missouri
Ruth Jennison,
Associate Professor of English, UMass Amherst
Rebecca Scott,
Associate Professor, University of Missouri
Charlie Green,
Senior Lecturer, Cornell University
Eve Levin,
Ahmanson-Murphy Professor, Chair, History Department, University of Kansas
Melissa Elston
Assistant Professor of English, Palo Alto College
David M. Grant ,
Associate Professor, University of Northern Iowa
John A Weaver,
Professor Curriculum Studies Georgia Southern University
Dr. Sunny Singh,
Senior Lecturer, London Metropolitan University
Lewis Turner,
Senior Researcher
Alex Baldassano,
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Queensborough Community College
Brenda Buck,
Professor, Medical Geology, University of Nevada Las Vegas
Dana Cloud
Lecturer, California State University
Nels P. Highberg
Associate Professor, Department of English and Modern Languages, University of Hartford
Jennifer Nelson
assistant professor, UW-Madison
Zareena Grewal
Associate Professor, American Studies & Ethnicity Race & Migration
Evan Schares
Phd, Louisiana State University
Libby Garland
Associate Professor of History, Kingsborough Community College, CUNY
Wendy K. Z. Anderson,
Independent researcher, University of Minnesota
Lauren Goodlad,
Professor, Rutgers University
Krystin Gollihue,
Marion L. Brittain Postdoctoral Fellow, Georgia Tech
Margaret Levin Phillips, Professor and Associate Dean, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, Hudson College of Public Health
Jasmin Zine,
Professor, Wilfrid Laurier University, Canada
Saffyre Falkenberg,
Graduate Instructor Texas Christian University
Everett Hoagland,
Emeritus Professor, UMass Dartmouth
Takeo Rivera,
Assistant Professor, Boston University
Zachary Levenson,
Assistant Professor of Sociology, UNC Greensboro
Aaron David Hoover,
PhD Student & Graduate Instructor, Michigan Technological University
Nicholas Rinehart,
Society of Fellows, Dartmouth College
Nicole Lopez-Jantzen,
Assistant Professor of History, CUNY - Borough of Manhattan CC
Judith Coe,
Professor Emerita, University of Colorado Denver
Eric Parks,
Adjunct Instructor of English, Providence College
dina al-kassim,
Associate Professor, University of British Columbia, Vancouver
Daniel Kelly,
Assistant Professor, Texas Tech University
Richard E. Otten,
Adjunct Instructor, Interdisciplinary Studies, Anne Arundel Community College
Adrienne Jones Daly,
Adjunct Instructor, University of Rhode Island
Alba Arias,
Assistant Professor, Roanoke College
Eleanor Craig,
Lecturer on Ethnicity, Migration, Rights, Harvard University
Elizabeth Swanson,
Professor, Literature and Human Rights, Babson College
Sara Moslener,
Lecturer, Central Michigan University
Juliane Hammer,
Associate professor, Religious Studies, UNC Chapel Hill
Vivian Deno,
Associate Professor of History, Butler University
Michelle Moyd,
Associate Professor, Indiana University - Bloomington
Ellen Samuels,
Associate Professor, University of Wisconsin Madison
Alexandra Lykissas,
Professor of Humanities, Seminole State College of Florida
Wendy Sung,
Assistant Professor, UT Dallas
Laurie Alfaro,
Assistant Professor, Wilbur Wright College
Javier Mocarquer,
Assistant Professor of Spanish, Providence College
Ángeles Picone,
Assistant Professor of History, Boston College
Betsy Miller,
Assistant Professor, Salem State University
Abagael West,
Lecturer, University of Pittsburgh
Kevin Bruyneel,
Professor of Politics, Babson College
David Wittenberg,
Associate Professor, University of Iowa
Ron Smith,
Associate Professor Bucknell University
Maxwell Leung,
Associate Professor, Critical Studies Program, California College of Arts
Christopher T. Lovelace,
Associate Professor of Psychology, Shepherd University
Christina Rothenbeck,
Instructor, Department of English, Louisiana State University
Carolina Cambre,
Associate Professor, Concordia University
Olga Touloumi,
Assistant Professor, Bard College
Rick Ayers,
Professor, Teacher Education, University of San Francisco
Sina Kramer,
Association Professor of Women's and Gender Studies, Loyola Marymount University
Natasha Abner,
Assistant Professor, University of Michigan
Kira Jones,
Visiting Instructor, Emory University
Su'ad Abdul Khabeer,
Associate Professor University of Michigan
Christopher Chen,
Assistant Professor, UC Santa Cruz
Mike King,
Assistant Professor, Bridgewater State University
Maddy Tarantelli,
Lecturer of Horn, Utah Valley University
Julian Carter,
Associate Professor, California College of the Arts
Jennifer Willett,
Assistant Professor, Social Work, University of Nevada, Reno
Megan Allen,
Lecturer, Washington University in St. Louis
Chris Fosen,
Professor of Writing and Rhetoric, CSU, Chico
Christina Heatherton,
Assistant Professor, American Studies, Barnard College
Axel Fair-Schulz,
Associate Professor, SUNY Potsdam
Samuel Collins,
Professor, Towson University
Dr. Sarah Einstein,
Asst. Professor of English at UT Chattanooga
Dr. Keith Dorwick,
Professor of English, University of Louisiana at Lafayette
Millie Wilson
Professor Emeritus, CalArts
Stephanie Higgins,
Labor Center
Rosa A. Eberly,
Associate Professor of Communication Arts and Sciences, Penn State University
Andie Faber,
Assistant Professor, Kansas State University
Shelley Manis,
Lecturer IV, University of Michigan
Blanca Caldas,
Assistant Professor, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities
Peter Gabel,
Former Professor, New College Law School
Jennifer Moore,
Associate Professor, Ohio Northern University
Joann Gulizio,
Lecturer, University of Texas at Austin
Mia Romano
Lecturer of Hispanic Studies
Judah Schept
Eastern Kentucky University
Ron Jacobs
Jette Gindner
Visiting Assistant Professor of German, CU Boulder
Adriana Garriga-López
Associate Professor of Anthropology at Kalamazoo College
Marla Zubel
Assistant Professor of English, Western Kentucky University
Olúfémì O. Táíwò
Assistant Professor, Georgetown University
Denise Lackamp
Adjunct Professor, Latin Studies, University of Nevada Las Vegas
Rogelio Regalado Mujica
Professor at Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla - IR
Ben Zdencanovic
Assistant Instructional Professor, University of Chicago
Mariam Durrani
Assistant Professor of Anthropology, Hamilton College
Emerald Stacy
Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Washington College
Ylce Irizarry, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Department of English, University of South Florida
Celia Oyler
Professor, Teachers College, Columbia University
Andrea Reynolds Yusim
Adjunct Professor of Philosophy, Mount St. Mary's University, Los Angeles, CA
Juan G. Ramos
Associate Professor, College of the Holy Cross
Alex Feldman
Lecturer, University of West Georgia
Marla Zubel
Assistant Professor of English, Western Kentucky University
Mark Lance
Professor of philosophy, professor of justice and peace, Georgetown University
Pia Chaparro
Assistant Professor, School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, Tulane University
Juan Manuel Heredia
Associate Professor, School of Architecture, Portland State University
John E. Drabinski
Professor, Amherst College
Aryn Martin
Associate Professor, Sociology
Laurie Rodrigues
Asst. Professor, University of La Verne
Marcy Tanter
Dr. UMass double-alumna
Dara Rossman Regaignon
Associate Professor of English, New York University
Juan Rodriguez
Associate Professor, Georgia Tech
Erin McCarthy
Professor, Philosophy Department, St. Lawrence University
Bradley Ryner
Associate Professor, Arizona State University
Meg Oldman
Assistant Professor, Tarleton State University
Julia Burton
Assistant Professor, SUNY-ESF
kwadzo royal hartigan
musician/professor, world music and african american traditions (retired), umass dartmouth, datmouth, mass.
Pamela Dogra
Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario
Paola Zamperini
Associate Professor, Northwestern University
Amanda Wilson
Assistant Professor, School of Social Innovation, Saint Paul University
Kathryn Kleppinger
Associate Professor of French, The George Washington University
Lindsay Briggs
Associate Professor, California State University, Chico
Miguel Gualdron Ramirez
Visiting Professor
Kyle Livie
Professor of History, Ohlone College
Wouter Van Erve
Assistant Professor, Political Science, Texas Woman’s University; UMass ‘18 (PhD)
Erika Ward
Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Jacksonville University
Laurie Gatlin
Associate Professor, California State University, Long Beach
Seulghee Lee
Assistant Professor of African American Studies and English, University of South Carolina
Anna Botta
Professor of Comparative Literature - Smith College
Liberty Stanavage
Associate Professor, SUNY Potsdam
Maureen Eckert
Associate Professor, Philosophy, UMASS Dartmouth
Bruce Levine
Distinguished Professor Emeritus, University of Illinois
Jonathan Sadow
Associate Professor (and UMass PhD), SUNY Oneonta
Wim Laven
PhD, Instructor Cuyahoga Community College
Erin Dyke
Assistant Professor of Curriculum Studies, Oklahoma State University
Holly Lewis
Associate Professor of Philosophy, Texas State University
Andrew Lavin
Lecturer, California State University Chico
James Martel
Professor, San Francisco State University
Heather Cramond
Adjunct Lecturer, Loyola University Chicago
Rosemary A Barbera
Associate Professor/Chair, La Salle University
Jean-Marie Stevens, Ph.D.
History Instructor
Benjamin L. Alpers
Reach for Excellence Associate Professor, Honors College, University of Oklahoma
Mike Alewitz
Professor Emeritus, Central CT State University
Eloy Rivas-Sanchez
Sessional Lecturer (Carleton University-Canada)
Megan McIntyre
Assistant Professor, Sonoma State University
Wadda Rios-Font
Professor, Barnard College
Abdul Haque Chang
University of Texas at Austin
Karenna Malavanti
Lecturer, Baylor University
Treva Ellison
Assistant Professor of Gender and Women’s Studies, Pomona College
Devin McBain
Lecturer (adjunct), California State University, Chico
Susan Laird
Professor Emeritus, University of Oklahoma
Kim Little, Ph.D.
Dir. of Public History Internships, Univ. of Central Arkansas
John Mckiernan-Gonzalez
Associate Professor, History, Texas State University
David A. Stupplebeen
Junior Specialist, University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa
Chase Hobbs-Morgan
Visiting Assistant Professor of Political Science, UC Santa Barbara
Manuel Herrero-Puertas
Assistant Professor of Foreign Languages and Literatures, National Taiwan University
Simon Stevenson
Professor, College of Built Environments, University of Washington
Papagena Robbins
Adjunct Instructor, Carleton University, Canada
Charmaine Chua
Assistant Professor, UCSB
Larissa Mercado-Lopez
Associate Professor, Women’s Studies, CSU Fresno
Andrew Dilts
Associate Professor of Political Science, Loyola Marymount University
Kristen Harrison
Professor of Communication and Media, University of Michigan
Hoang Tan Nguyen
Associate Professor of Literature, UC San Diego
Tanya Kane-Parry
Professor, Cal State LA (UMASS/Amherst Alum 2001)
Matthew M. DeForrest
Professor of English and Mott University Professor, JCSU
Beth Mattison
CYL Assistant Director, Hampshire College
Kourtney Senquiz
Visiting Assistant Professor Clark University
Patrick Meirick
Associate Professor of Communication, University of Oklahoma
Nicole Grove
Assistant Professor, University of Hawaii at Manoa
Kaitlyn Muller
Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Villanova University
Lisa Stampnitzky
Lecturer in Politics, University of Sheffield
Ricardo Rosa
Professor - UMass Dartmouth
Alisa Jordan Sheth
Assistant Professor, Pacific University
Brianne M. Collins
Assistant Professor of Psychology, Providence University College, Manitoba, Canada
William S. Lewis
Professor, Skidmore College
Neil Gong
Assistant Professor of Sociology, University of Michigan
Matthew J. Brown
Associate Professor of Philosophy, The University of Texas at Dallas
Benjamin S. Yost
Professor of Philosophy, Cornell
Helen H. Davis
Associate Professor, English, Wilkes University
Jaime W. Roots
Visiting Assistant Professor of German, Washington and Lee University
Helen Scott
Associate Professor, University of Vermont
Banu Can
Boğaziçi University
Lee Bloch
Florence L. Kay Fellow, Anthropology and American Studies, Brandeis University
Patrick Thaddeus Jackson
Professor, American University
Samantha Langsdale
Senior Lecturer, University of North Texas
Andrea Morrell
Assistant Professor of Anthropology, Guttman Community College CUNY
Dani O'Brien
Assistant Professor of Education, Northland College
Shannon Brincat
Senior Lecturer, University of the Sunshine Coast
Julie Burrell
Associate Professor, Cleveland State University
Lesa Johnson
Assistant Professor of Sociology, California State U., Chico
Lesa Johnson
Assistant Professor of Sociology, California State U., Chico
Shabana Mir
Associate Professor, American Islamic College
Tolulope Odebunmi
Graduate Teaching Instructor- Michigan Technological University
Katarzyna Rukszto
PhD, Sheridan College
Michael Mario Albrecht
Visiting Instructor, University of South Florida
Salah D Hassan
Associate Professor, Michigan State University
Tiara Na'puti
Assistant Professor, University of Colorado Boulder
Chiara Ferrari
Professor, California State University, Chico
Allison Perlman
Associate Professor, UC Irvine
M. Shadee Malaklou
Assistant Professor and Chair of Women's and Gender Studies, Berea College
Harry D. Gould
Associate Professor, School of Public and International Affairs, Florida International University
Anne Joh
Professor of Theology and Culture, Garrett Theological Seminary
Jane L. Saffitz
Assistant Professor of Anthropology Denison University
Tazreena Sajjad
Sr. Professorial Lecturer, American University
Michelle McMullin
Assistant Professor, North Carolina State University
Alexander Lester
Adjunct Instructor, Lackawanna College
Anneeth Kaur Hundle
Assistant Professor of Anthropology, UCI
Jorell Meléndez-Badillo
Mellon Faculty Fellow and Assistant Professor of History, Dartmouth College
Adam Schwartz
Associate Professor, Oregon State University
Sheryl Nestel
Fmr Assistant Professor, Ontario Institute for Studies for Studies in Education
Vannina Sztainbok
Assistant Professor, University of Toronto
Christina Audas
University of Oklahoma - Spanish faculty
Boyung Lee
Dean, Iliff School of Theology
Thomas Edge
Associate Teaching Professor, Bowling Green State University
Samantha Meister
Assistant Professor, University of Wisconsin - La Crosse
Alan Sears
Professor, Sociology, Ryerson University
Cynthia Franklin
Professor of English, U. of Hawai'i
Adnan A. Husain
Associate Professor in History, Queen's University (Kingston, Ontario)
Rabab Abdulhadi
Director and Senior scholar, Arab and Muslim Ethnicities and Diasporas Studies, San Francisco State University
Karin Schutjer
Professor of German, University of Oklahoma
Garry Potter
Professor - Wilfrid Laurier University
Darwin H. Tsen
Assistant Prof. Modern Languages, Carthage College
Anders Hardig
Professorial Lecturer, SIS, American University
Chad Shomura
Assistant Professor, University of Colorado Denver
F. Soper
Assistant Professor, McGill University
Dr. Mary-Jo Nadeau,
Emerita, Sociology, University of Toronto
Nisha Gupta
Assistant Professor of Psychology: University of West Georgia
Sara Matthews
Associate Professor, Global Studies, Wilfrid Laurier University
John Jota Leaños
Professor of Film & Digital Media, University of California, Santa Cruz
Michael Friedman
Assistant Professor of Biology, American International College of Arts and Sciences of Antigua
Naeem Inayatullah
Professor, Ithaca College
Frank Castillo
Graduate Student Hunter College
David M Gracer
Adjunct, Community College of Rhode Island
Anupam Basu
Asst Professor, Washington University in Saint Louis
Olivia Geho
UMass Labor Studies Grad Student
William Field
Associate Teaching Professor, Rutgers University
Matthew Leslie Santana
Assistant Professor of Music, UC San Diego
Sara Carpenter
Associate Professor, University of Alberta
Smitha Radhakrishnan
Associate Professor of Sociology, Wellesley College
Kim Compoc
Postdoc, Asian Am Studies, University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign
James Best
Lecturer, Cal State, Dominguez Hills
Lynnette Arnold
Assistant Professor of Anthropology, UMass Amherst
Kati Lewis
Associate Professor of English, Salt Lake Community College
R. Adam Dastrup
Zaid Adhami
Assistant Professor, Department of Religion, Williams College
John Summa
UVM Purged Lecturer
Eli Nelson
Assistant Professor of American Studies, Williams College
Tricia Murajda
Lecturer of Sociology , City College of San Francisco
Cara Daggett
Assistant Professor of Political Science, Virginia Tech
Jenna N. Hanchey
Assistant Professor of Communication Studies, University of Nevada, Reno
Graham Auman Pitts
Fellow, Center for Contemporary Arab Studies Georgetown University
Larry N. George
Professor of Political Science, California State University, Long Beach
David Woken
Latin American and Caribbean Studies Librarian, University of Chicago
Mindi Schneider
Assistant Professor, Wageningen University
Michael G. MacDonald
Assistant Professor, Cape Breton University, NS Canada
Autumn Laws
Graduate Teaching Assistant, Syracuse University
Ray Briggs
Professor of Philosophy, Stanford University
Jesse Ellis
Assistant Professor of Biology, Coe College
Chandler Davis
Professor, University of Toronto
Rachel Brahinsky
Associate Professor, Univ. of SF
J. Michael Green
Adj. Prof of English SUNY oneonta
Margaret MacDonald Power
Professor, Illinois Institute of Technology
Rochel Gasson
Duquesne University
Matthew Tougas
Instructor of English, Southeastern Louisiana University
Aaron F. Hodges
Lecturer, Claremont Graduate University + Assistant Director, DH@Claremont Colleges
John Rice
Professor Emeritus UMass Dartmouth
Magalí Rabasa
Assistant Professor, Lewis and Clark College
James Zeigler
Associate Professor of English, University of Oklahoma
Cyra Akila Choudhury
Professor of Law, FIU College of Law
Vasuki Nesiah
Assoc. Prof. of Practice, The Gallatin School, NYU
Mira Waits
Assistant Professor, Art History, Appalachian State University
Brooke Lober
Lecturer, Sonoma State University Women's and Gender Studies
Stephen Roddy
Professor, University of San Francisco
Rush Rehm
Professor, Theater and Classics, Stanford University
Lisa Rofel
Professor Emeritus, University of California, Santa Cruz
Peter Eglin
Emeritus Professor of Sociology, Wilfrid Laurier University
Cynthia Levine-Rasky, PhD
Associate Professor
James Overboe
Associate Professor Wilfrid Laurier University
Afrikah Smith
UMass Amherst - Alumna