If you have already completed and returned a paper survey, please do not complete this online survey.
As you complete the survey, please keep the following in mind:
- Your information is confidential - Only the members of the Search Committee will see and use the information provided.
- Each parishioner should fill out their own survey - We want to know what you think. Each adult should complete one survey (on-line or paper), rather than as a couple or family.
- Youth (under 18) - We ask that all youth complete their own survey separate from their parents.
- For multiple choice answers, please click on the box next to your choice.
The future of CHS is ours. We want to know what you would like in a Rector and how you envision the future of CHS. The results of the survey will be compiled to create the profile provided to candidates for Rector.
WThank you for your input - the Search Committee
If you need help with the survey, please contact Wendy Hallstrom at whhallstrom@gmail.com.