UEF Network Academy

UEF Network Academy offers a series of free professional online trainings for UEF / JEF members to improve and support your work as volunteers.

All of these workshops are conducted online via ZOOM. 

Participation is open to UEF and JEF members from all over Europe. Limited places are open for interested persons (non members).

Please register exclusively here.

New dates for various exclusive trainings will be published here soon.

Number of participants is limited! Registration is not an automatic confirmation of participation.
Confirmation and the ZOOM link for the training will be emailed latest on the day of the training. For some training courses there are several dates to choose from. These are the exact same events.

UEF Network Academy is organised by UEF Europe in cooperation with the European Federalists Austria.

If you have any further request please contact: secretariat@federalists.eu
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Basics of UEF Communication 
Tuesday 25.10.2022, 19:30 CET
What could a common EU migration policy look like?
Thursday 03.11.2022, 19:30 CET 
Monday 05.12.2022, 19:30 CET
How to fight disinformation?
Wednesday 09.11.2022, 19:30 CET
Wednesday 14.12.2022, 19:30 CET
Voice and Expression Training
Monday 14.11.2022, 19:30 CET
Monday 28.11.2022, 19:30 CET
Thursday 15.12.2022, 19:30 CET
Bright Ledership Training
Wednesday 07.12.2022, 19:30
Data protection statement
Your data will only be used for organization and communication within the framework of UEF Network Academy, saved for this purpose and not passed on to third parties (according to EU GDPR). If you do not wish to receive any further mailings from UEF, your data will be deleted again (if you are not a UEF member). If you have any further questions concrning data protection of UEF please contact: secretariat@federalists.eu
Surname *
First Name *
Date of birth *
Email *
I am a member/ activist of UEF or JEF section (name of section/ group e.g. JEF Austria, UEF Paris) If you are not UEF or JEF member please write NO and the country and place where you live. *
I want to tell you that (comments, requests, proposals, …)
I would like to participate at *
I hereby confirm that I would like to take part in the UEF Network Academy and that the organizers may save my data for this purpose. I am invited to further events of this kind via email via newsletter. If you have any further request or questions please contact: secretariat@federalists.eu
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