Submit a Pitch to Nurturing Marriage
We are looking for writers who are passionate about marriage. We are looking for articles that fit under the "6 Pillars," of Nurturing Marriage, which are: The Little Things; Date Night; Intimacy; Values to Live By; Routines & Rituals; and Conflict Resolution. To see examples of the kinds of articles we are looking for, please spend some time reviewing the articles that are currently on our website.

Ideally, articles will include sub-headings and some kind of call to action. Our goal is to inspire couples to be intentional about nurturing their marriages.

***Note, we will not be able to publish all articles that we receive.  
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Article Title
(The title you would give the article, note, this may be changed.)
Article Pitch
(Please submit your final draft, which should be no longer than 1000 words.)
Has this article been published somewhere else?
(If yes, please include a link.)
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What now? If you're article is accepted, we will be in contact about any editing that may be done before it is published. If you have any other questions for us, please leave them in the comment field below.
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