Sounds of the Dockyard - Oral History, Sign Up
We’re collecting oral histories, gathering memories and reflections on the sonic experiences of Chatham Dockyard, interviewing former employees, apprentices and anyone with memories of the working yard.

History is often silent, told through images and the written word. Through this project we will explore the potential of sound to evoke the past, and use listening as a new opportunity to know about our shared histories and to reveal new understandings.

Your memories and reflections offer insight into a lost world of human industry and community. Through your experiences, and those of other participants, we will build a map of the Dockyard soundscape which has the potential to deliver new understandings of the space and the history of this important site.

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Where can we best interview you? *
Please pick one or more of the following options to suit you situation. We will try to accommodate your request as best possible.
When might work best for you in January or February 2021?
Please let us know if there is a particular time that would be most convenient. This is just to give us a rough guide. We'll be in touch with you directly to schedule any interviews.
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