Oahu Farm Viability Cohort Application
Thank you for your interest in participating in Cultivating a Culture of Financial Planning and Risk Management: Training and Tools to Support Small Farm Business Health and Longevity

This is a cohort-based training program that will last 12 weeks and will provide financial analysis and planning tools to reduce business risk for 10 female and beginning farm business owners based out of Oahu. 

This form should take about 15-20 minutes to complete if you take time to think about each question and reflect on your business. The information you provide in this application will be used to help set your business and personal income goals and give us an understanding of what type of support would best help you meet your goals. Some of these questions use terminology commonly used in accounting (managerial accounting). If these terms are new to you, please answer them to the best of your ability or feel free to reach out for clarification and assistance. For any questions, please contact Logan Taylor Motas at logan.motas@oahurcd.org.
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Email *
Contact Name  *
How many years of experience do you have in farming?  *
Do you manage your farm business on your own or do you have a partner?  *
Are you of Native Hawaiian descent?  *
Contact email and phone number *
What do you identify as?  *
Farm Name (& website if you have one) *
Farm location *
How much revenue does your operation make annually? 
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How would you best describe your business plans for the next five years? *
Have you setup your chart of accounts (COA)? *
Do you have a weekly or monthly routine for reconciling your expense accounts? *
Do you run monthly Profit & Loss (Income) Statements for your business? *
Do you have a 2023 Budget or Sales Projections? *
If you could put a dollar amount on your personal annual income goals, which scenario below would be closest to your goals? *
What steps actions do you think you'll need to take to reach your personal income goals *
What are your top three personal income and quality of life goals that you have for your business over the next five years?  *
Do you have the flexibility to commit to 12 weeks of your time, starting in April with a one-on-one consultations with the a bookkeeper and three in-person training events the first week of May 2023, and frequent communication with fellow cohort members and program managers to help you reach your personal income goals? (Please see the tentative schedule at: farmviability.oahurcd.org).  *
What are some your personal income goals that you have for your business in the next five years?  *
Do you have the flexibility to complete homework that reinforces learning and encourages you to apply it to your own business? Can you make time to watch the foundational training video? *
Are you interested in developing competency in bookkeeping consistency, financial analysis, opportunity assessment, budgeting, goal tracking and the ability to assess challenges, adjust operations, and evaluate progress to improve your risk management decision making and economic viability? *
Are you interested in working with other local farm business owners as part of a cohort to set financial targets for your business, personal income and quality of life goals and to use key metrics to assess and track your performance towards your goals?
Do you currently have liability, property or crop insurance? Are you interested in reducing your risk by learning more about insurance options? *
Please note your knowledge/use of QuickBooks *
Are you currently enrolled with the Farm Service Agency?  *
Are you familiar with the Whole Farm Revenue Protection (WFRP) or the Micro Whole Farm Revenue Protection (Micro WFRP)? *
If accepted into the cohort, I'd like to accept a $500 honorarium to cover any expenses that I incur to participate in this training (e.g. Child or elderly care, cost to purchase Quick Books etc.) *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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