Michigan Caregivers Association Candidate Survey
The Michigan Medical Marihuana Act of 2008 was passed by 63 percent of Michigan voters, and in the decade following, medical marijuana has become even more popular and accepted as essential health care by the people throughout this state. This survey is sent on behalf of thousands of qualified medical patients throughout Michigan who demand representation from their lawmakers to protect their liberties that have been established under this popular and effective Act.

This is for incumbent and non-incumbent lawmakers who are running for Michigan State House and State Senate during the 2022 election cycle.

Please email info@micaregivers.com to confirm you have filled out the survey upon completion of this form.

NOTE: This survey is paid for with regulated funds by:
Michigan Caregivers Association
31431 John R Road
Madison Heights, MI 48071

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What is your name?
What position are you running for?
Do you support or oppose the Michigan Medical Marihuana Act of 2008 in its present form?
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Do you believe that the provisions contained within the Medical Medical Marihuana Act of 2008 apply uniformly to all individuals within the state of Michigan?
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Would you support or oppose legislation to give registered medical marijuana caregivers the ability to grow additional plants than presently allowed in the Michigan Medical Marihuana Act of 2008?
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Would you support or oppose legislation to give registered medical marijuana caregivers the right to sell their products to dispensaries for sale in the recreational cannabis market?
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Would you support or oppose legislation to increase the number of qualified patients for whom a registered medical marijuana caregiver would be permitted to cultivate medicine?
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Would you support or oppose legislation giving courts and probation officers jurisdiction to deny medical marijuana to probationers, parolees or other individuals under sanction by the criminal justice system?
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Do you support or oppose local ordinances written with language that could restrict, limit, or make conditional the rights of registered medical marijuana caregivers?
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Would you support or oppose legislation preempting municipalities and localities from restricting, limiting, or making conditional the rights of registered medical marijuana caregivers?
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Do you believe that it is a fundamental right for every registered medical marijuana caregiver to grow plants within their domicile in the state of Michigan?
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Do you believe it is acceptable to contradict the will of the voters and nullify the rights established under the Michigan Medical Marihuana Act of 2008, which was passed by a majority of voters in every county and a supermajority of voters statewide?
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Any other comments?
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