ISA RIGGER Certification Application
This is the application form for the ISA RIGGER certification course at Seneca Rocks, West Virginia from August 13th to the 15th.

There are a limited amount of places available for this certification. The ISA Education Commission will decide who can join by referring to these application forms. Please provide short and precise answers! We will give higher priority to applicants who already have an INSTRUCTOR certification and those who are members of the ISA.

This goal of this certification is to assess your skills and knowledge of slackline and highline rigging, as well as your general understanding of fundamental rigging principles.

Please find the syllabus for this certification below and practice a bit beforehand:

For an information overview, please view the document below:

The price of this course will be $175 USD. Payment will be collected prior to the start of the course.

Please be prepared to bring some of your own equipment, as well as food and camping gear. A list of items you will need will be provided in one of the emails you'll receive.
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Email *
Surname (Last Name)
Given Names  (First Name) *
Date of Birth
This data is used as a unique identifier in the ISA Rigger database for individuals with the same name.
Country of birth or Country you lived most of your life in *
Are you a member of the ISA?
If yes, please state which association you are a member of.

Example: "Slackline US"
ISA certifications
Please list any certificates you have received from the ISA.
If you have a personal ISA account already please enter the corresponding personal email address or ISA ID
To ensure that you'll get all certificates and awards in one account. If you don't have one yet please make sure to open your account with the email address used to fill in this form
Motivation *
Discuss why you would like to become a certified slackline rigger
Previous Experience
List any and all events you have rigged at and/or notable rigging experiences you have been a part of. 

Also, briefly discuss your level as a rigger.
Reference *
Please list at least 2 other experienced riggers, certified instructors, or festival organizers you have worked with and their contact information. We might contact those references to check your suitability for the course.
Other qualifications
List other certifications you have acquired in the field of rigging, climbing and/or slacklining
On a scale from 1-10 how good of a rigger do you think you are?
(1= being able to tie shoe-laces - 10 = the best highline rigger you can imagine)
Additional comments and questions
Is there anything else you'd like us to know about you?
I will take the certification to ... *
Additional Information
Please keep in mind that there are only a limited amount of places available places for the certs. We will contact you via email, whether or not you are able to join. We will also keep you up to date, when there are more RIGGER certification courses coming!
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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