Families with Young Children (FYC) Annual Survey
The goal of any ministry, outside of leading you closer to Christ, is to ensure we are serving our families in a way that is helpful. Please take a moment to tell us how we are doing!  
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
What are the ages of your children that attend FYC events?  Select all that apply. 
0-1 year old
2-4 years old
5-8 years old
Ages of Children
Please tell us what events you have attended in the past three years. 
Popsicles on the Playground (June & July)
Kick-off Event (September)
Coffee & Connection ( Aug, Nov., and Feb.)
Pizza & Pumpkins (Oct.)
January Philanthropy Service Event
Derby Party (May)
Events (select all that apply)
I would like to see more: 
Social Events (like Pizza & Pumpkins or Popsicles on the Playground)
Service Opportunities (like January Philanthrophy)
Formation Opportunities (family friendly/family oriented Station of the Cross, Adoration, and/or Rosary)
More (select all that apply)
The best time of day for events is:
Morning/After 11 a.m. Mass (7-12)
Afternoon (1-4)
Evening (5-8)
The best days for events are
Best days
Please provide us any additional feedback you believe would be helpful in continuing to grow and fulfill this ministry's mission.
Can we contact you if we need volunteers for one of our events? 
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Please list your cell phone # if we are able to text you about events. (xxx-xxx-xxxx)
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