High Holidays 2019 Registration: Youth & Family Services @ Temple Israel of Natick
We're looking forward to celebrating the High Holidays with you at Temple Israel of Natick!

This registration form is for:  
1) The preschool Family Services: Mon., 9/30 (1st day of Rosh Hashanah) and Wed., 10/9 (Yom Kippur), 9:00-10:30 (NOTE THE NEW TIME)
2) The Kindergarten-7th grade Youth Services (drop-off): also on 9/30 and 10/9, 10:45-12:45
3) The all-ages Family Service in the tent with Rabbi Liben & Rav Shira: Tues., 10/1 ( 2nd day of Rosh Hashanah) 10:00 AM-noon

There is a separate form for High Holiday Babysitting at https://tinyurl.com/BabysittingHH2019

Services will include stories, songs, snacks, shofar blowing, and highlights of the prayers and their themes through in age-appropriate activities and games.  RSVPs needed by 9/20.
Wishing you and your family a sweet, happy New Year!

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Names *
Please include a first and last name for yourself, a partner if applicable, and your children
 Email/s *
Phone # *
Address *
For families with preschool-age children: Are you planning to attend the preschool-age Family Services on Monday, 9/30 (RH Day 1) and/or Wednesday, 10/9 (YK), 9:00-10:30? If so, please list the names of all children who will be attending (with their age in parentheses). Note that at least one adult should plan to attend with the child/ren.
For families with children in grades K-7: Are you planning to send your child/ren to Youth Services on Mon. 9/30 (RH 1) and/or Wed. 10/9 (YK), 10:45-12:45?  If so, please list their names and include their age in parentheses.  
Are you planning to attend the all-ages Family Service in the tent on the 2nd day of Rosh Hashanah (Tue., 10/1), 10:00 AM-noon, with Rabbi Liben and Rav Shira? *
We won't hold you to your answer but it's helpful for planning purposes
If needed, I can help with:
Anything else?
Use this space to tell us anything you think we should know or to ask questions.  Thanks very much, and wishing you a happy New Year!
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