United Way of Northern California -                   Application for Coronavirus Related Grants to Provider Agencies
United Way of Northern California will consider COVID-19 emergency grants to provide agencies based on the following criteria:

- Applicant holds non-profit status

- Proposed program will provide direct service to clients

- Proposed program will reach a desired client base and/or achieve a desired outcome that United Way would find difficult to address through its own programs

- Clients to be served have been impacted by the COVID-19 crisis. At highest priority would be those made ill by the virus; senior citizens; those who have lost wages, or disadvantaged people including the unsheltered or those at imminent risk of homelessness.

No paper applications will be accepted.

UWNC will consider requests of at least $1,000, with a maximum award of $10,000. Requests will be considered on a rolling basis, and the number of awards given will be determined by available funds. Grant awards will be announced every two weeks beginning Tuesday, March 31.

Applications will be reviewed by staff and approved by a volunteer committee. All grant awards are solely at the discretion of UWNC, which reserves the right to reject proposals for any reason, or no reason.

Grant awardees must agree to report in writing on the results of their work, and to allow UWNC to refer to their work on public and social media.
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Organization Name *
Does your organization hold tax exempt status? *
Name and Contact Information for Executive Director / CEO *
Name and Contact Information for Principal Contact for the Grant if it is not the Executive Director / CEO
Purpose of grant *
Amount sought *
How the money would be used *
Number of people to be served *
Other confirmed or potential partners / collaborators / funders *
Brief description of other services provided by the agency *
Experience providing services similar to those being proposed *
What counties do you serve? Choose all that apply. *
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