Community Survey on Public Safety and Law Enforcement
The Bolivar Police Department is committed to the highest quality services, processes, and reputation. The following survey will take approximately 5 minutes to complete and is completely confidential. Please indicate your response to each item by selecting the appropriate answer based on your feelings, opinions, and experiences. Survey questions are optional, though each answer provided helps to enhance our policing services and to direct the department as we strive to provide the most responsive, cost efficient, and compassionate police services possible.
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Community Involvement
To what extent does the Bolivar Police Department develop relationships with community members (e.g. residents, organizations, and groups)?
Not at all
To a great extent
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To what extent does the Bolivar Police Department regularly communicate with community members (e.g. websites, e-mails, public meetings)?
Not at all
To a great extent
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To what extent does the Bolivar Police Department encourage community members to provide input (e.g. comments, suggestions, and concerns)?
Not at all
To a great extent
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Community policing involves Bolivar Police Officers working with our community partners to address the causes of crime, in an effort to work together to address problems and issues through a wide range of activities. Based on this definition, to what extent do you think the Bolivar Police Department practices community policing?
Not at all
To a great extent
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To what extent do you feel safe in your home and neighborhood during the day?
Not at all
To a great extent
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To what extent do you feel safe in your home and neighborhood during the night?
Not at all
To a great extent
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To what extent is the Bolivar Police Department addressing the problems that really concern you?
Not at all
To a great extent
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Please select the three (3) issues you think are the greatest problems within our community:
Over the last 12 months, to what extent have your feelings of safety in Bolivar increased, decreased, or stayed the same?
Decreased a lot
Increased a lot
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Procedural Justice
To what extent do Bolivar Police Officers treat people fairly?
Not at all
To a great extent
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To what extent are officers in the Bolivar Police Department respectful?
Not at all
To a great extent
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To what extent do you trust the Bolivar Police Department?
Not at all
To a great extent
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Would you hesitate to call the Bolivar Police Department?
If you had contact with a Bolivar Police Officer during the past 12 months for traffic issues (e.g. citation, warning, or vehicle crash), to what extent are you satisfied with your interaction with the Bolivar Police Department for traffic issues?
Not at all
To a great extent
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If you had contact with a Bolivar Police Officer during the past 12 months for 911 emergency calls, to what extent are you satisfied with your interaction with the Bolivar Police Department for emergency calls?
Not at all
To a great extent
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If you had contact with a Bolivar Police Officer during the past 12 months for non-emergency calls (e.g. to report a crime or suspicious activity), to what extent are you satisfied with your interaction with the Bolivar Police Department for non-emergency calls?
Not at all
To a great extent
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If you had contact with a Bolivar Police Officer during the past 12 months for other contacts or interactions (e.g. attend a community meeting, educational event, or talk to an officer on patrol), to what extent are you satisfied with your interaction with the Bolivar Police Department in regard to the contacts or interactions?
Not at all
To a great extent
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To what extent are you satisfied with the overall performance of the Bolivar Police Department?
Not at all
To a great extent
Clear selection
Where do you live?
What is your age group?
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The space below is provided for additional comments. If you would like contacted about the information you provided, please leave your name and contact information.
Thank you for helping us to better serve our community.     ~Chief of Police, Mark Webb
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