RSVP for Hong Kong Solos by Ari Benjamin Meyers, presented by Spring Workshop
Hong Kong Solos is an artwork by Ari Benjamin Meyers that will take place at six non-profit art organizations—Asia Art Archive, Hong Kong Arts Centre, M+, Para Site, soundpocket and Things that can happen. Meyers invited six local Hong Kong composers—Shane Aspegren, Steve Hui, Charles Kwong, Lam Lai, Vanissa Law, and GayBird Leung—to create new works for staff members at these organizations across the city. In order to experience these intimate pieces devised for 1 performer and 1-4 audience members, potential listeners are invited to book visits to these institutions. The work centers around bringing together usually disparate parties: a composer and an art professional, a performer and a visitor, and the members of the art and music worlds of Hong Kong.

The composer/performer/site combinations are:

1. Step - GayBird Leung x Michelle Wong x Asia Art Archive (Sheung Wan)
Highlighting Michelle's cello training, GayBird's score unfolds with a consideration of moments of listening.

2. No More to Say - Steve Hui x Samantha Kwok x Hong Kong Arts Centre (Wan Chai)
This composition for guitar takes as its starting point the shared punk background of Steve and Sam.

3. Mantra for improvisation to destroy belief in abstraction - Shane Aspegren x Tom Morgan x M+ (Cyberport)
Written for a small congregation, Shane's free-tempo graphic score intertwines spoken words with improvised piano in a co-creation between the audience and Tom.

4. First Etude - Vanissa Law x Olivia Chow x Para Site (Quarry Bay)
Set in Para Site’s pantry, Vanissa's work is a musical score that ends with a cup of coffee, outlining Olivia’s daily office ritual.

5. Two-part Inventions in Pocket - Charles Kwong x Alice Wong x soundpocket (San Po Kong)
Charles' work for Alice juxtaposes melodica and “non-musical” objects, negotiating the threshold between music and sounds.

6. PRINZ TR - 15 - Lam Lai x Chantal Wong x Things that can happen (Sham Shui Po)
Departing from the study of speech as music and rhythm, Lai’s piece is scored for Chantal’s voice and portable tape recorder in a work that explores the machine’s biography and how music can capture shifts in space and time.

If you wish to book a visit, kindly complete the RSVP form below. Registration is on a first-come-first-served basis and places are very limited. We will do our best to provide you a slot, but apologize in advance if we can’t meet your request.

If you have questions, please contact Mandy Chan at Spring Workshop at (852) 2110-4370 or

More information about the composers and performers could be found at:

Map with locations of all non-profits for Hong Kong Solos, and Spring Workshop:

*Answer required. Your email address and mobile number are requested so that we can be in touch with further details, confirm your visit a day in advance and notify you if the schedule has changed at all.


Ari Benjamin Meyers全新的創作項目《香港獨樂》將於六個本地非牟利藝術機構上演,包括亞洲藝術文獻庫﹑香港藝術中心﹑M+視覺文化博物館﹑Para Site藝術空間﹑聲音掏腰包,及咩事藝術空間。Meyers邀請了六位香港作曲家——Shane Aspegren、許敖山、鄺展維、林儷、羅穎綸及梁基爵,為上述藝術機構的指定成員譜寫新曲。如欲親身感受這些小型的表演(表演者每次為不多於四位觀眾演出),敬請留名預約。此作嘗試聯繫音樂和藝術界別的人和事物,例如作曲家與藝術行政人員﹑表演者與訪客;以及音樂與藝術兩個在香港截然不同的社群。


梁基爵 x 黃湲婷 x 亞洲藝術文獻庫 (上環)
許敖山 x 郭清夷 x 香港藝術中心 (灣仔)
Shane Aspegren x Tom Morgan x M+視覺文化博物館 (數碼港)
羅穎綸 x 周宛昀 x Para Site藝術空間 (鰂魚涌)
鄺展維 x 黃嘉淇 x 聲音掏腰包 (新蒲崗)
林儷 x 黃子欣 x 咩事藝術空間 (深水埗)


如有任何查詢,歡迎致電2110-4370與Mandy Chan聯絡,或電郵至




Hong Kong Solos schedule as follows (performance time: 5 mins) :
《香港獨樂》的演出時間如下  (演出時間:五分鐘) :

Michelle Wong performs GayBird Leung at Asia Art Archive
梁基爵 x 黃湲婷 x 亞洲藝術文獻庫
March 13 (Mon), 2:00- 2:10; 2:30-2:40pm (FULL)
March 16 (Thur), 2:00- 2:10; 2:30-2:40pm (FULL)
March 20 (Mon), 2:00- 2:10; 2:30-2:40pm (FULL)
March 23 (Thur), 2:00- 2:10; (2:30-2:40pm | FULL)
March 27 (Mon), 2:00- 2:10; (2:30-2:40pm | FULL)
March 30 (Thur), 2:00- 2:10; 2:30-2:40pm

Samantha Kwok performs Steve Hui at Hong Kong Arts Centre
許敖山 x 郭清夷 x 香港藝術中心
March 17 (Fri), (5:00-5:10 | FULL); 5:30-5:40pm
March 18 (Sat), 2:00- 2:10; 2:30-2:40pm (FULL)
March 23 (Thur), 6:00-6:10; 6:30-6:40pm (FULL)
March 24 (Fri), 5:00-5:10; 5:30-5:40pm (FULL)
March 30 (Thur), 4:00-4:10; 4:30-4:40pm
March 31 (Fri), 5:00-5:10; 5:30-5:40pm

Tom Morgan performs Shane Aspegren at M+
Shane Aspegren x Tom Morgan x M+視覺文化博物館
March 16 (Thur), (5:30-5:40 | FULL); 6:00-6:10pm
March 17 (Fri), 2:00-2:10; 2:30-2:40pm (FULL)
March 23 (Thur), (5:30-5:40 | FULL); 6:00-6:10pm
March 24 (Fri), (2:00-2:10 | FULL); 2:30-2:40pm
March 30 (Thur), (5:30-5:40 | FULL); 6:00-6:10pm
March 31 (Fri), (2:00-2:10 | FULL); 2:30-2:40pm

Olivia Chow performs Vanissa Law at Para Site
羅穎綸 x 周宛昀 x Para Site藝術空間
March 22 (Wed), 3:00-3:10 ; 3:30-3:40pm (FULL)
March 22 (Wed), 4:00-4:10; 4:30-4:40pm (FULL)
March 30 (Thur), (3:00-3:10 | FULL); 3:30-3:40pm
March 30 (Thur), 4:00-4:10; 4:30-4:40pm
March 31 (Fri), 3:00-3:10; 3:30-3:40pm
March 31 (Fri), 4:00-4:10; 4:30-4:40pm

Alice Wong performs Charles Kwong at soundpocket
鄺展維 x 黃嘉淇 x 聲音掏腰包
March 13 (Mon), 5:00-5:10; 5:30-5:40pm
March 15 (Wed), 12:00-12:10; 12:30-12:40pm
March 21 (Tue), 5:00-5:10; 5:30-5:40pm (FULL)
March 25 (Sat) 12:00-12:10; 12:30-12:40pm
March 27 (Mon), 12:00-12:10; 12:30-12:40pm
March 28 (Tue), 6:00-6:10; (6:30-6:40pm | FULL)

Chantal Wong performs Lam Lai at Things that can happen
林儷 x 黃子欣 x 咩事藝術空間
March 16 (Thur), (6:00-6:10 | FULL); 6:30-6:40pm
March 18 (Sat), 4:30-4:40; 5:00-5:10pm
March 22 (Wed), 11:00-11:10; 11:30-11:40am
March 23 (Thur), 11:00-11:10; 11:30-11:40am
March 30 (Thur), 6:00-6:10; 6:30-6:40pm
April 1 (Sat), 4:30-4:40; 5:00-5:10pm

Spring Workshop
3/F, Remex Centre, 42 Wong Chuk Hang Road
T+ 852 2110 4370

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Personal details
Name of visitor(s) *
Visitor email address *
Visitor mobile number *
Please choose all the slots below that interest you [performance time: approximately 5 minutes]
 (the more slots you choose, the greater our chance of getting you a slot)
Michelle Wong performs GayBird Leung at Asia Art Archive
Samantha Kwok performs Steve Hui at Hong Kong Arts Centre
Tom Morgan performs Shane Aspegren at M+
Olivia Chow performs Vanissa Law at Para Site
Alice Wong performs Charles Kwong at soundpocket
Chantal Wong performs Lam Lai at Things that can happen
Do you have any further questions regarding Hong Kong Solos?
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