Riding Experience Registration
We are happy to offer up to a 1-1/2 hour horseback riding experience.  

Riders will receive instruction in both mounted (on the horse) and unmounted activity during the hour and a half lesson. Mounted activity will focus on safety, balance of the rider and riding skills including how to communicate with your horse to turn, stop and move forward. Each rider’s skill level will be assessed and lesson activity will be designed to progress each rider. Unmounted activity will focus on safety, horse care, tacking, untacking and tack care. 

  • $90 for a 1-1/2 hour individual riding experience
  • $80 for a 1 hour individual riding experience
  • $85 per person (2-3 riders) for a 1-1/2 hour riding experience
  • $75 per person (4 or more riders) for a 1-1/2 hour riding experience

Payment is due the Tuesday before your riding experience.  Your payment reserves your horse and teacher in a specific time slot.

We will not be able to accommodate or refund for a missed lesson unless we cancel the lesson.  If we must cancel a lesson during the week due to weather concerns, a make-up lesson will be offered.  If we are unable to reschedule, the tuition will be refunded appropriately

Riders participating in horseback riding are encouraged to bring their own ASTM-SEI certified equestrian helmet (not a bike helmet). Helmets will be provided if your rider does not have one.  Riders MUST wear closed-toe shoes (boots are recommended).

Visitors are asked to remain in the assigned seating area during lessons. Only registered students are allowed in the equine area. Instructors cannot give their riders full attention if they are worrying about a sibling or parent that is not in a safe place while the lesson is going on. Parents are to supervise siblings at all times while on the property.

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Parent's name(if rider is under 18) *
Parent's cell phone number *
Parent's email (to be used for all correspondence) *
Rider's  First Name  *
Rider's Last Name  *
Riders Birthdate *
Riders Weight (so we can schedule the appropriate horse for your session)
Riders mailing Address *
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