Calistoga High School Mentors
Thank you for your interest in being a mentor!  Below are some guidelines and expectations for our mentors.
1. Help provide student(s) with support
  • Sending encouraging messages
  • Send reminders for important deadlines (FAFSA/CA Dream Act/ Scholarships/ Signing Day)
  • Review an essay/resumé/cover letter
  • Reviewing financial aid packages
  • Choosing housing
2. Help them access free resources
  • Free tutoring services
  • College office hours
3. Mentee’s #1 Cheerleader!
  • Check in frequently
  • Be responsive to their questions (If you aren’t sure feel free to reach out.)

If you have specific questions,  please direct them to Citlali Montañez at Thank you!!! :)
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Name *
Email *
Phone Number *
Primary Location of Residence *
Have you volunteered at Calistoga High School before? *
If yes, were you finger printed?
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Would you be interested in being matched with more than one mentee? *
What track did you take after graduating high school? *
What did you major in?
Were you a part of any organizations or clubs at your college? If yes, please list them below.
What field/career did you pursue? *
Were you first generation college student /professional? *
Tell us a little bit about your interests. (Hobbies, Sports, Activities, etc.) *
What do you feel are the key ingredients to a successful mentor/mentee relationship? *
Describe a time in your life when having a mentor would have been helpful. *
How can we support you in being successful as a mentor? *
Questions / Comments?
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