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Youth Stop AIDS Campaigner Sign Up Form 2022/23
We’re looking for new Youth Stop AIDS Campaigners to get involved in the movement to have a world without AIDS.
If you’re a young person who is passionate about global health, fighting injustice and are interested in taking action - register your interest below!
Find out more about YSA here -
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* Indicates required question
Your email
Full Name
Your answer
Phone Number
Your answer
Age (this opportunity is open to young people aged 18-30)
Your answer
Are you based in the UK or Ireland (this opportunity is only open to young people based in the UK & Ireland)
Which University, College or City do you attend or live in?
Your answer
What are your Pronouns (this lets us know how best to address you)
I prefer not to say
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Why do you want to be a Youth StopAids Campaigner?
Your answer
Do you have any disability or access requirements that you need support with? If so, please detail how we can best support you.
Your answer
How did you hear about us?
Your answer
Are you happy for Youth Stop AIDS to stay in touch to give you the latest exciting opportunities and campaign updates through our newsletter or Mailing list? You can unsubscribe at any time. See our privacy notice at
for more info about how we take care of your data.
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