Invitation: I'Am Verde Collaborators
The goal of the I'Am Verde initiative is to establish and grow an Open Innovation Center for a Variety of Green Applications. I'Am Verde will be an internationally renowned, multidisciplinary, and interinstitutional center. Professor Raúl Bonne Hernández of the Federal University of São Paulo is in charge of organizing the I'Am Verde. He works with the Federal Universities of Amazon (UFAM) and ABC (UFABC), the National Service for Industrial Training (SENAI), Insider and KEMIA, and the city hall of Diadema. FINEP funds the I'Am Verde initiative, with indirect assistance from CNPq and FAPESP. Up until 2027, the project will have a total funding of $1,000,000.00 (20% for partnerships both domestically and abroad).   

Co-participation in other calls financed by Brazilian agencies (CNPq, CAPES, FAPESP, and FINEP) is permitted through cooperation agreements with Unifesp, which will formalize any collaborations resulting from this invitation. Economic remuneration is sometimes included in these grant calls. For instance, in accordance with the partnership agreement, the use of tools or labs, the acceptance of scholarship recipients, and others. Please fill out this form by November 25, 2024, along with your CV and a letter describing your potential involvement in the I'Am Verde project. You can place the letter and resume in the drive I'Am Verde Collaborator drive.  
Email *
Nome Completo/Full name *
E-mail *
CPF (only for Brazilian) *
Passaporte/Passaport (optional for Brazilian) *
Empresa ou Instituição de Ensino/Pesquisa.  Company or Educational/Research Institution *
Pais/Country? *
Estado/Province (Only for Brazilian)?  *
Você teria interesse em fazer parte do projeto I' Am Verde?  Would you be interested in being part of the I' Am Verde project?   *
Linhas de Atuação e Potencial Participação.  Lines of Action and Potential Participation *
Se você indicou outras linhas de atuação. Favor fazer uma breve descrição, incluindo palavras chaves (texto máximo de 100 palavras).  If you indicated other lines of action. Please provide a brief description, including keywords (maximum text of 100 words). *
Você tem projeto aprovado em funcionamento.  Do you have an approved project in course? *
Se você tem projeto aprovado em funcionamento. indique agência de fomento.  If you have an approved project in operation, indicate the funding agency. *
Favor, incluir dados projeto (agência, número, vigência e recursos). Please include project data (agency, number, duration and resources).   *
Você acha que seu projeto poderia contribuir com a iniciativa I' Am Verde? Do you think your project could contribute to the I' Am Verde initiative? *
Você estaria interessado em participar de novas propostas de projetos, vinculados à iniciativa I'Am Verde?  Would you be interested in participating in new project proposals related to the I'Am Verde initiative? *
Caso você esteja interessado em participar de novas propostas de projetos, vinculados à iniciativa I'Am Verde. Seu projeto poderia ser considerado como uma contrapartida econômica, em novos pedidos de recursos em Brasil ou internacionais?  If you are interested in participating in new project proposals related to the I'Am Verde initiative. Could your project be considered as a economic counterpart in new requests for resources in Brazil or internationally? *
Você teria interesse em formalizar acordos de cooperação científico-acadêmica com a Unifesp?  Would you be interested in formalizing scientific-academic cooperation agreements with Unifesp? *
Você teria interesse em participar da primeira Conferência Internacional I'Am Verde, em 2-5 de dezembro de 2025?   Would you be interested in participating in the first International I'Am Verde Conference, from December 2-5, 2025?   *
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