2023 ECRs in Sustainability Science 青年學者的永續研究

This webinar is organised by the Early Career Researchers (ECR) working group of Future Earth Taipei (Taiwan) for early career researchers to share their research outcomes in relation to sustainability and climate change.

為提供國內外青年學者一個分享研究成果與跨領域交流的平台,『未來地球台北 - Early Career Researchers 工作小組』自2021年起主辦『青年學者的永續研究』線上短講,不定期邀請青年學者進行中/英文短講,和大家分享與永續及氣候變遷相關的研究或學術活動,歡迎加入我們的交流與討論。

Future Earth Taipei - Early Career Researchers Working Group 未來地球台北 - ECR 工作小組
Coordinator 召集人:Dr. Hsiao-Chun (Jean) TSENG 曾筱君 博士 (hctseng@email.ntou.edu.tw)

Center for Sustainability Science, Academia Sinica 中研院永續科學中心
Contact 聯絡人:Dr. Dolly Chung 鐘鈺鈞 博士 (dolly0105@gate.sinica.edu.tw)

Organizers /
- ECR working group, Future Earth Taipei
- Future Earth Taipei Hub
- Center for Sustainability Science, Academia Sinica

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網頁 ECR website: https://futureearthtaipeiecr.wordpress.com/
推特 Twitter: https://twitter.com/EarthTP_ECR 
臉書 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FutureEarthTPE/
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Land and sea use change have become one of the main drivers of species extinction and biodiversity loss (IPBES, 2019). Human activities such as urbanisation, agriculture and forestry increasingly lead to habitat fragmentation, where continuous habitat is split into a greater number of smaller patches isolated from each other. Such a patchy environment can host subpopulations (one in each patch) following some growth dynamic and connected to each other by the exchange of individuals (referred to as dispersal). In order to enhance the dispersal between patches and hopefully induce positive effects on populations, conservation programs often aim to increase the connectivity or reduce the isolation of the patches, e.g. through the construction of dispersal corridors or stepping stones. It is therefore of key interest to spatial ecology how increased dispersal (as a token of increase connectivity) affects the asymptotic total population size. My goal is to gain an improved understanding on causal relationships in spatially fragmented ecosystems by precise mathematical methods embedded in thorough biological explanations.

Beside the focus on the research itself, I want to address us - young (and female) researchers - and our scientific careers as well. We form our scientific paths by our decisions but at the same time by our worries and troubles which might accompany us – especially in gender inequalities. Experiences show that it is less common for female students to start a PhD in theoretical sciences or more so to continue as a PostDoc by their own initiative. Often, they underestimate their potential for a scientific career, even though they excel in their academic pursuits. To enhance support for young female researchers, I have taken the initiative to create EmpowerMINT at Osnabr¨uck University, a network for young female researchers in STEM fields. Though, empowerment, deling with our concerns and networking is highly important for all genders. So let’s exchange and all feel empowered for our next scientific steps!
講    者 Speaker: Carolin Grumbach (PhD Student, Institute of Mathematics / Environmental Systems Research, Osnabrück University)
主    持 Host: Dr. Hsiao-Chun (Jean) Tseng (Associate Professor, Institute of Marine Environment and Ecology, National Taiwan Ocean University)

日    期 Date: 3 Oct 2023
時    間 Time: 14:00 - 15:00 pm (GMT+8)
地    點 Venue: Virtual 線上 (Link will be sent after registration 報名後另外通知視訊連結)
語    言 Language: English 英文

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