This webinar is organised by the Early Career Researchers (ECR) working group of Future Earth Taipei (Taiwan) for early career researchers to share their research outcomes in relation to sustainability and climate change.
為提供國內外青年學者一個分享研究成果與跨領域交流的平台,『未來地球台北 - Early Career Researchers 工作小組』自2021年起主辦『青年學者的永續研究』線上短講,不定期邀請青年學者進行中/英文短講,和大家分享與永續及氣候變遷相關的研究或學術活動,歡迎加入我們的交流與討論。
Future Earth Taipei - Early Career Researchers Working Group 未來地球台北 - ECR 工作小組
Coordinator 召集人:Dr. Hsiao-Chun (Jean) TSENG 曾筱君 博士 (
Center for Sustainability Science, Academia Sinica 中研院永續科學中心
Contact 聯絡人:Dr. Dolly Chung 鐘鈺鈞 博士 (
Organizers /
- ECR working group, Future Earth Taipei
- Future Earth Taipei Hub